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Harry: Often times you’re caught walking down the street hand in hand with Harry because although he’s famous you two do like to live as normal as possible. “I don’t know why you’re taking pictures,” Harry admits as he walks beside you trying to push past the men hounding cameras “We’re just going to the market to pick up some groceries, is that so exciting you need to take pictures?”

Liam: All blurry and quite hard to make out, the paparazzi still snap and sell your photos to the magazines. The two of you hardly go out because of them and when you do it’s low key, but even the most low key events are captured. The most recent paparazzi shot was you and Liam on the balcony of the hotel the boys were staying at. Because it was nightfall when you went out the shot was horrible, then again, all paparazzi shots usually are.

Louis: Louis is quite feisty and the paparazzi know that, yet they still continue to swarm around taking pictures of you two at the shopping center. “I haven’t seen my girlfriend in months, please fuck off so we can have some time together.” And because there is no better shot than an angry one they continue taking pictures until finally you and Louis decide to leave and return to the hotel.

Niall: The Paparazzi like Niall because out of all the boys in One Direction he’s probably the calmest when it comes to them. He often jokes around and cuts up with them however he does get annoyed at times. Especially when they start to crowd around the two of you causing you to get a bit nervous. “Come on, get back please.” Niall huffs before pushing them away so you can get through. “I’m fine with you crowding me, I’m the famous one leave her alone.”

Zayn: Zayn is very overprotective so when the paparazzi start to appear he grips your hand tightly and pulls you closer to his side. “Just ignore them, don’t worry yeah?” he tells you before walking a bit quicker. You’ve had quite a few not so friendly run-ins with the paps and Zayn doesn’t want a repeat so he always tries to take you away from the situation as quick as possible. “See,” He breathes as you make it to your destination “You’re alright.” And with that he gives you a quick kiss.

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