Your on your period and he wants to have sex

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Niall: It was that dreaded time of the month, Niall had been out with his friends all day but you had stayed home. Surprisingly you were feeling really normal, as in no pain, You went about your day doing everything you normally do, waiting for Niall's return so you could spend some alone time together. Around 8 PM, Niall had walked in the front door with food. "Hey, babe I brought dinner." he said setting the food on the coffee table and leaning in to give you a kiss. "Thanks Ni! I'm starving." you said after the kiss. You guys ate dinner and watched a movie. After you were done eating and halfway into the movie Niall started to get a little touchy. You didn't think it was going to go far so you let him be. He pulled you onto his lap and you guys started making out. After awhile he started to slightly moan and he tried to pull your shirt off. "Ni-Niall. Stop." you said trying to pull back but he had a tight grip on you. "NIALL!" you yelled and he stopped kissing you. "What's wrong? Am I hurting you?" he asked worriedly. "No. It's not that. Sorry if I scared you but we can't have sex." you said climbing off of his lap."Why not? You always want to have sex." he said with a smirk knowing he was right. "Ha-Ha. But I have my period and that would be gross." you said with a sarcastic laugh. Now you really wanted to have sex with him so bad, damn period. "It's okay, (y/n). Let's just keep watching the movie. Is there anything you need?" he asked back to his normal self. "No, actually I'm fine. Just cuddle with me." you said and he opened his arms wide for you to lay into. You guys spent the rest of the night cuddling on the couch and eating everything in sight.

Zayn: Today was Zayn's birthday and you had planned a party that included all of his closest friends and family. The morning of his birthday you made his a nice, big breakfast which he enjoyed. All day he had been getting tweets, phone calls, and text messages from people wishing him a happy birthday. You were on your period but you had to fight through it because you wanted Zayn to have fun and not worry about you like he always did. You had been having cramps all day but you took midol which helped a lot. Zayn had known abot the party so nearing the night he was getting more and more excited. You couldn't wait either. When it was time for you guys to head to the party he was practically jumping around and all you wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep. The party was in full swing when you arrived, there was paparazzi all outside and everyone inside were having a good time. Attention turned to the two of you as you guys walked in hand in hand. Everyone was coming up to Zayn wishing him a happy birthday. He walked off to go get drinks while you went and talked to his family. Later on in the evening people were almost to the point of being drunk and the party was slowly dying down. You could tell Zayn was feeling good as he walked over to you. He started touching you and kissing you. "Let's go home so I can get my birthday wish." he said as he was kissing you neck. "I can't tonight, babe." you said and he pulled away. "Why? It's my birthday and I want to make love to you." he questioned with a pout. "Babe. Don't pull that face. I'm sorry but I got my period and I've kinda been cramping all day." "Why didn't you say anything sooner. Let's go home." he said instantly sobering up. "No. Zayn I'm fine. It's your birthday, celebrate with your friends. I didn't want you to worry about me because it's your birthday. You deserve to have fun." "I've had loads of fun tonight. Now I want to take you home and spend some alone time with you." he said and kissed your head. "I'm going say goodbye to everyone. Wait here okay?" you nodded in response. Ten minutes later he came back and took you hand leading you outside to the car. You were glad that Zayn with not getting his "wish" but after your period was over he would be getting a present for being so understanding.

Louis: It was yours and Louis' date night tonight and he was apparently planning something really special. You knew this because he had told you to dress up. He came home in the evening and went to get dressed himself. "You look amazing, love." he said and kissed you cheek. "Not bad yourself Tomlinson." you said and he laughed. "Ready?" he said while sticking his hand our for you to take. You guys walked to the car and headed for your destination. You felt a little weird like you were about to get your period but you didn't think anything of it. You guys got to a fancy restaurant and walked in. "Reservation name?" the hostess asked. "Tomlinson." "For 2? This way." she said and escorted you to a private room. All through dinner you guys just talked and talked, you excused yourself before dessert to go use the restroom. You went into a stall to do your business and saw a red spot on your underwear, mother nature came. Luckily you kept an extra tampon in your purse all the time. You got cleaned up and went back to sit down. "You okay, (y/n?" Louis asked concerned. "Yeah, I'm good." you smiled at him. After dinner you guys walked out and went home. On the ride home he had kept a hand on your thigh, rubbing circles into it. You knew what he wanted. When you got home he rushed you to the door, the door was closed as fast as it was opened. Louis lips were on yours and he was trying to take your dress off but he was succeeding. "A little help here, babe." he said with his lips on you neck. "Louis, we can't. I got my period earlier. I'm sorry." you said and he pulled away. "Sorry, love. Do you need anything? why don't you go change and we will go to sleep, yeah?" he asked and kissed you. You nodded and went upstairs to change.You came out of the bathroom to find Louis on the bed with loads of junk food and your favorite movie in the DVD player. He patted the spot next to him signaling you to join him. You guys only got half way trough the movie before you both fall asleep in each others arms. Louis was always understanding when it came to your period.

Harry: Harry had been on tour and the last time you saw him was three weeks ago when you visited him. He was coming home for a week break and you were picking him up from the airport.You had been craving his touch ever since you left him. You arrived at the airport dressed in sweat, hair up, no care in the world how you looked because it was very early in the morning. You thought there would be minimal paparazzi and fans but boy were you wrong. You made it through security right on time, you saw the boys exciting the terminal and you ran to Harry. He picked you up and gave you a long, passionate kiss. You said hi and bye to the boys, eager to get home already. Harry pulled you out to the car and insisted on driving home. Thinking you guys would be tired when you got home, you talked the whole way. When you got home you were both wide awake, Harry picked you up when you got in the door and took you up to your room. Things were getting heated fast, clothes were being thrown all over the room. You felt Harry kissing down your stomach, you were in complete bliss. He pulled off your underwear and suddenly stopped. "uh, b-babe. I think you got your period." he said nervously. You jumped up and looked down, sure enough you did. You got off the bed, grabbing clothes, and running to the bathroom leaving Harry on the bed. You were so embarrassed you didn't want to leave the bathroom. After 5 minutes you heard a knock on the door and Harry saying, "Babe, open the door, please." you did as he said. He came in and pulled you into a hug, you could feel that he was still hard. You felt bad. "Sorry, Harry. It came early." you mumbled into his shirtless chest. "It's absolutely alright. At least we know you're not pregnant." he laughed. "That was a horrible joke." you said but still laughed. "I know. Now let's go sleep. I have jet lag." he said pulling you into the room. After a few minutes you had fallen asleep, happy to have Harry home for awhile.

Liam: You and Liam were currently on vacation, finally. He had a break from work and you had a break from school, so Liam decided it was time to go on vacation and spend some alone time together. You guys had rented a beach house that had a private beach. It was the second day in he house and you woke up cramping. You didn't have a normal period schedule so getting it during your vacation was not planned but luckily you had packed tampons just in case. You didn't want to tell Liam because you knew he would want to stay in but you wanted to go to the beach. "Morning, babe. Want to head down to the beach.?" he said, in his raspy morning voice,as you walked out of the bathroom. "Yeah. I kind of already got my swimsuit on." you said with a smile. "Okay, well let me change and we can head down." he said as he scrambled out of bed and into the restroom. 10 minutes later you guys were setting down your towels on the sand and were dressing down. You couldn't help but stare at Liam's toned body. You snapped out of it and ran into the water, with Liam following behind you. You guys had been messing around in the water. Liam had grabbed you by the waist and gave you a deep kiss. You guys stayed like that for a minute until Liam decided to pick you up bridal style and take you back to your towels. He laid you down and hovered over you.You guys continued to kiss and you knew you should stop him before he gets too excited but he was too intoxicating. He started to pull on your bikini strings and that's when you decided to stop him. "Liam. Stop, we can't." you said pushing on his chest, but he still didn't stop. "Babe, please. I really want to but I'm on my period." you finally said. He immediately stopped, "Why didn't you say so earlier? We could've stayed at the house." he said and sat up. "I wanted to come to the beach and I knew you would insist that we stay home." you said as you reached out to intertwine your hand with his. "You know me so well. Let's head back, yeah?" he said getting up and pulling you with him. When you got back to the house you changed and he cooked you a delicious dinner. After dinner you guys went and sat on the porch, looking at the water and moon, wrapped in each others arms. It was the perfect ending to a equally perfect day.

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