telling him that your pregnant

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"Got a message from Perrie, Y/N is over at ours, you wanna come over for dinner?" Zayn asked me as we finished at the studio. "Yeah sure," I replied. After goodbyes to the boys, I followed Zayn to his house. As we walked inside, Perrie came running towards us excitedly. She kissed Zayn and hugged me tight. I raised my eyebrow at Zayn, he shrugged in confusion. Before I could talk, Perrie spoke up, "Y/N is in the living room, Zayn come with me," she pulled Zayn away. I walked into the living room and saw Y/N sitting on the couch. "Hey Sweet-" I stopped seeing her tearstained cheeks. "Hey hey, it’s ok," I whispered, wiping her eyes. She smiled, placing a hand on her stomach. "I’m pregnant Li," she whispered. "What?" I asked, my heartbeat increasing at hearing those words. "We’re having a baby," she said, eyes filling with tears again. "Oh my god," I whispered, tears of my own appearing. "A baby," I confirmed, crashing my lips to hers.


After training with the Rovers, I rushed home to check on Y/N. I walked inside and saw my mum. “Is Y/N feeling any better?” I asked her. She smiled, “she is in bed. I was just going to take these up to her, but you can.” She handed me a cup of tea and a packet of plain crackers. I was confused; why was she happy when Y/N was sick. I quickly walked towards the bedroom, slowly opening the door and saw Y/N curled up under the blanket. I walked to the bed, putting the cup and crackers on the bedside table and sitting beside her. My head snapped up as something fell off the table. I picked it up, my mouth falling open. “No way,” I whispered, looking at the positive pregnancy test. I put it back and looked at Y/N. I gently pulled the blanket off her and smiled; her hand was resting protectively on her stomach. I laid down beside her as she opened her eyes. “Lou,” she whispered sleepily. “I’m so happy,” I kissed her cheek. “What?” she asked confused. “I promise everything will be alright. You have me and now we’re having a baby,” I answered. She rested her head on my chest and whispered, “I love you.”


I paced up and down the hallway outside the bathroom. I knocked on the door again, hoping Y/N would let me in or tell me what was happening. I heard something fall onto the tiles, making my heart sink. I lead on the wall beside the door and closed my eyes. I jumped when the door slowly opened. Y/N had her head down, looking at the test in her hands. “So what does it say?” I asked, a hint of excitement and disappointment in my voice. She looked up and opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She held the test out to me. I took a deep breath and stepped forward. “Positive,” I whispered. She nodded, tears filling her eyes. Out of excitement, I picked her up and spun her around. She squealed then giggled. “Oh my god, I can’t do that,” I whispered putting her down, “have to be careful; take extra good care of you now,” I rumbled on. She smiled, wrapping her arms around me. “I can’t believe this Princess, we’re having a baby,” I whispered, smiling from ear to ear. She nodded, snuggling into my chest. “Our baby,” she replied softy. I kissed her head, holding her close, “a baby Horan.”


"Excuse me," I said, walking away from the boys. "Hello," I answered my phone, not looking who is was. "Harry," Gemma panicked. "What’s wrong?" I asked. "It’s Y/N," she sniffed, "she fainted so I brought her to the hospital." I felt like the air had been knocked out of me; I couldn’t breath. "I’m on my way," I hung up the phone, mumbling bye to the boys. The drive was a blur, tears filled my eyes. After parking, I quickly run inside, asking the receptionist for her room. I run down the hallway, stopping outside. I wiped my eyes, opening the door slowly. Gemma was sitting on the bed holding Y/N hands. "Y/N, Gem," I whispered, making them look up. "Haz," Y/N squealed. "What’s going on? I have been worried sick," I said walking closer to the bed. "I’ll be outside," Gemma said, getting off the bed. Y/N took my hands, making me take Gemma’s spot. "Y/N, baby, Please tell-" I begun, but she cut me off, "That’s it Haz," she smiled. "What?" I replied confused. "A baby. I’m pregnant." My jaw fell open, I was speechless. Slowly, I returned her smile, "I can’t believe it. I’m going to be a dad."


As I got home, I heard sobbing from the bathroom, making me run inside. I opened my mouth but stopped when I saw the tests. “I’m pregnant, I’m sorry,” Y/N sobbed harder. I smiled, amazed. I put my hands on her stomach, looking at her in awe. “A baby. You serious, we’re having a baby.” She bit her lip, trying to stop her tears. “You’re happy about this?” she whispered. “What? Why wouldn’t I be?” I asked shocked. She sniffed and tried to move away. I moved my hands to her waist, holding her still. “You said that we weren’t ready for a baby, and now I-” she closed her eyes, as tears fell down her cheeks. I pulled her against me, taking a deep breath. “I have always wanted a baby with you. You would make an amazing mother,” I kissed her head, “I guess I’m just worried that I’m not going to be a good father, that I’m going to miss important things in their life because of my job.” She pulled away, shaking her head. “Trust me, you will be wonderful. I know it,” she said softly. I smiled, knowing I had the prefect wife. “We are ready, Mama Malik,” I whispered, kissing her.

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