You cheat on him with one of the other boys

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Liam: You were sitting in the boys' hotel room and Liam, Zayn, and Harry had gone out to a club. Liam didn't want to go, but someone had to keep the other two safe from complete idiocy. Niall and Louis were still in the suite with you abd they decided to watch a movie and order room service. Niall was sitting on the floor in front of the TV screen and Lou sat on the loveseat next to you. It was a scary movie; you didn't know the title, but that didn't matter. Room service arrived and you almost jumped out of your skin. Then you all started drinking and before you knew it you were cuddling into Louis' side to hide your eyes from the horrors onscreen. "Aww, (Y/N), it's not that scary." He tips your chin up and his lips are on yours. It was a quite good kiss, but you push him away. Niall was staring at the two of you, his mouth agape. "Louis, I'm with Liam." you remind him. Three hours later, when Liam arrives back with two intoxicated boys, you confess to him the kiss. He forgives you because it wasn't really your fault. He's not even that mad at Lou..... after he punches the Swag Masta in the face.

Harry: Neither of you is quite sure how it happened. One minute you two were sitting there and then you were making out on the sofa. His hands were running up and down under your shirt and you were on top of him. amazingly, the quiet Liam was a wonderful kisser and he didn't seem nearly as shy as he had in the past. His shirt came off and that's when Harry, your boyfriend, walked in. "(Y/N)! Liam!" He yelled, stomping over and ripping you off Liam. "Harry, I swear to God it meant nothing!" Liam rushed to put his shirt back on. "Harry-" he started to say. "No! Liam you're like my brother and I can't believe you'd do this to me! (Y/N), I just- I have nothing to say to you." He walked away after giving you a look of absolute disgust.

Zayn: Niall's lips trailed down your neck and your hands tangled in his hair. You two were making out on Niall's bed and things were getting hotter and hotter. "Princess, I love you so much, but when are we going to tell Zayn?" He finally whispered against your lips. Your eyes open to his electric blue eyes looking right into yours. This little affair had been happening for three months. You wanted to tell Zayn, your sweet boyfriend, but how could you do that to him? Niall's his best friend. "I don't know." You whisper back. But two weeks pass and you're with Zayn and you break down, telling him that you're in love with someone else. It breaks his heart even more when you tell him that it's Niall. But he's tough, so he just prefers not to be alone in the same room as you and his former-best friend.

Louis: It wasn't really cheating exactly. Not really' you were just drunk with Harry while Lou was out getting some stuff. The two of you were talking and laughing at the stupidest things. Eventually he fell asleep and you felt tired and for some very odd reason, you squeezed onto the couch with him. Your whole backside was pressed against his frontside. His arm wrapped itself around your waist. Louis walked in after you'd both fallen asleep. Automatically, he assumed the worst, so he stormed out of the flat, slamming the door behind him. After you two woke up the next morning, you figured out Louis must've walked in and seen you both, so you called him and called him probably a million times. Night fell and Niall called you saying that your boobear was with him and pissed at you. "But, Niall, I have no idea why he's so mad!" "Well, he showed up here early this morning and said you cheated on him with Harry." "What!? God, no! Niall, please, put him on the phone!" On the other end of the line you could hear voices arguing then: "What?" You'd never heard him so angry. "We were drunk, Lou. We fell asleepand I don't know why, but I must've laid down in front of him. I swear, Louis, we didn't do anything! I love you. " He was quiet. "I love you too, doll."

Niall: He found out about it in the worst way. He walked in on you two. Zayn was under you and the two of you were loudly moaning. "...Princess?" his whisper was filled with the sound that came right before tears. "Oh, God, Niall!" You pulled off of Zayn and chased after Niall, not even caring that you were 100 percent naked. "I wanted to tell you; really, I did, but I didn't know how to say it!" Niall turned around, his face flushed with anger. "Forget it. I guess we're over." He nearly fell down the stairs in his hurry to leave.

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