Stuck in an elevator together

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Niall:And he was hyperventilating. Niall had claustrophobia and being stuck in a tiny elevator wasn't going to be good. He sat in the corner of the elevator breathing heavily. He looked like he was freaking out so you went and sat with him, trying to comfort him. "Babe, calm down. Don't think about it. We will be fine. I pushed the emergency button so I'm sure they're trying to fix it." you said while rubbing his back. You didn't want to get too close because he might feel more smothered. "B-bu-ut, i-it's ha-ard." he stuttered out."It'll be okay, babe. We will be out soon." you said and kissed his forehead. You continued to rub his back not knowing what other things to do in this situation.Luckily about 20 minutes later the elevator started to move again. When you got to your apartment floor Niall had ran out of the elevator and inhaled deeply "Damn!" he yelled. He started running around kissing the walls and the ground. After his little moment he ran to you and kissed you, "Thank you for comforting me, babe. I love you!" he said. "No problem. I love you too." and with that you guys walked hand in hand to your shared apartment.

Zayn: And has trying to comfort you. You had claustrophobia but it was nearly as bad as everyone thought. You knew how to handle it by staying calm but Zayn didn't want to risk anything because he's seen how you've gotten walking through crowds of paparazzi and fans. "(y.n) are you sure that you're okay?" "Yeah I'm fine. I just hope they come soon." you said. "I'm sure they will. Here drink this water." he said handing you a water bottle he was drinking out of earlier. "Thanks babe. Don't worry about me okay? I'm fine. I think I've learned how to calm myself." you said and he nodded his head. "Okay, I just want you to be comfortable." you nodded and gave him a kiss on the lips and snuggled into his side. You guys stayed on the floor for about another 10 minutes before the elevator started moving. When you got out in the lobby you saw the crowd of people outside and you didn't know if you could handle it. But you knew that Zayn would protect you no matter what.

Louis:And he was cracking jokes left and right. You weren't the only two in the elevator at the time, there was also a mother and her son. The son had been scared so Louis started making jokes and keeping the boy distracted while you talked to the mother. "Is he your boyfriend?" she asked with a smile on her face while she watched the two boys. "Yes he is." "He seems like he will be a good father. You're lucky." she said and looked at you. You smiled at the thought of having kids with Lou. Looking at him and the little boy you knew she was right, one day if and when you guys had kids he would be the best father. You guys continued to talk while the boys messed around for another 30 minutes. When the doors finally opened you guys said your goodbyes and parted ways. You stopped Louis and gave him a kiss. "What was that for." he asked while smiling. "I just love you so much." "I love you too, babe." he said and you guys continued to walk to your hotel room.

Harry:And he stayed calm waiting for assistance. He sat on the floor and motioned for you to sit with him, so you did. "So, what shall we do love?" he said pulling you close to him. "I don't know. Let's talk since I just got here." "Okay, well how has school been?" he asked. You had just joined him on tour because you had two weeks of school, before a break, when he left for tour. "Eh, it was hard with final exams and stuff but I passed all my classes so it was worth it. I just missed you so much. How has tour been?" "It's been great! The crowds have been amazing. But I'm really happy you're finally here. I missed you a lot too." you smiled at his words. You guys sat on the floor for awhile and talked more. Harry's phone started ringing, he answered and talked on it for a minute. "Paul said the doors should be opened in a minute." he said getting up and putting up a hand to help you up. Sure enough the doors opened within minutes of getting the phone call. Paul was waiting on you guys on the boys floor. He welcomed you and told Harry when you guys needed to be ready to leave for the venue. With that you guys went to Harry's room and had another long conversation until it was time to leave for the show. You were finally glad to b back with Harry.

Liam:And he was pushing emergency buttons, trying to call for help, and doing anything to get out of the elevator. Being the over protecting person he is he was worried about your safety on the elevator. "Babe, calm down I'm sure someone is working on getting it fixed." you said getting a bit irritated with his constant movement. "(y/n) do you know what could happen? We could die!" he said very seriously. You busted out laughing "Liam we're not going to die. Come sit down." you said and patted the spot next you. He gave in and sat down. "Sorry for panicking I just don't want anything bad to happen to you." he said and laid his head on your shoulder. "It's okay I'm sorry for laughing at you." you said while you laid you head on top of his. You guys sat in a comfortable silence and out of nowhere the elevator doors opened. You guys got up and walked out. "Thanks for being concerned about me, Liam. You're are the best boyfriend." "It's my job, love. Only the best for the best." he said and took your hand in his. You both walked out the doors to enjoy your date.

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