You get caught having sex by one of the lads

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Liam: "We have to be quiet, love," he murmured to your hair when you were kissing his neck. The walls of the hotel were like paper, making it almost impossible to have a private life. You smirked, biting Liam's birthmark gently, running your tongue over it. He moaned loudly, making you giggle against his skin. "That's not silent," he grunted, grapping you tightly, trapping you against the hotel room's wall, massaging your boobs roughly, making you whimper against his lips. You loved when he got rough. "Liam," you moaned, unable to hold back when his waist brushed your aching area, "Please." He smirked, knowing what impact he had on you. "Beg for it," he breathed, muscles tensing when his always so light brown eyes were full of lust. "Liam, please, I beg you," you whimpered louder, making him hiss when your hand brushed his huge bulge. You could feel him twitch under your belly while he pressed you harder against the white wall. He bite his lip, muscles shaking when he licked your neck with his moist tongue."Tell me what you want, baby girl," he grunted, making your flesh burn from the sound of his voice. "I want you to shut the fuck up, I'm trying to sleep here," Louis' voice interrupted you, when he banged the wall, causing you to bite Liam's lip in fright. "Ow," he whimpered, making you sigh when Louis' fist didn't stop banging. "Alright, just stop it Lou," you yelled back, rolling your eyes when the banging stopped, making Liam growl angrily. "Thanks mate," Niall's voice yelled from the other side, making you bury your neck to Liam's shoulder. "I hate them," you whimpered, making Liam sigh angrily. "I love you too Y/N," Louis yelled back, making you groan against his blushed neck. Niall's laugh interrupted you again, "Dere's a closet next to the elevator to ye, lovebirds."

Zayn: "I need you," you whispered to his ear, making his muscly frame froze under your needy touch. You were on the back stage, hanging out with other lads, trying to kill time before the show. Boys were left for a bit, going to see 5sos preforming, but you just wanted to be with Zayn. "Please, Zayn, I really need you inside me, now," you breathed to his ear, smirking pleased when his jaw tensed, making you even hornier. He had been so sweet to you all day, making sure that you were okay even when he had interviews and meetings. "Zayn," you breathed again, making him glare at you, once again before trying to hide his obvious boner under his sketchbook. "Lads will be back soon, boo, not now," he growled, looking at you angrily when you tried your best to make him as horny as you were. You sighed, rising your hands in defeat, "Fine, I just wanted to feel your big cock inside me, all warm and pulsing...but you know, it's okay." Zayn's eyes got wide when he stared at you, vein popping on his neck. It was the same vain what popped out while he sang high notes, making you ache him even more. "Fuck it," he growled, pressing his soft lips against you hungrily, gripping your shirt over your head. His hands roamed on your body, making you whimper against his lips, trying to guide his hands to the right spot. You tangled your hand to his hair, tugging them just how he liked it. "I love you," he grunted to your ear, pressing his hand against your warmth, making you lose your breath. "Hey, I didn't know we'd get free porn," Harry's voice interrupted you, making you scream before hiding yourself under Zayn's chest. "Get out curly," he yelled, making Harry laugh before he shut the door, leaving you alone. "Curly?" you asked, giggling against his chest, knowing how Harry hated to be called that. Zayn chuckled, kissing your cheek, "He deserves it for interrupting the best sex ever."

Niall: You smiled against his neck, breathing his delicious scent when you counted the dimples on his white skin. He was barely awake, hands and legs tangled on yours, breath hitching every time you kissed his dimples. "G'mornin'" he said groggily, accent thick and hoarse, making your heart swell. "Morning love," you smiled, guiding your hand on his bare chest, admiring every shape he had. "Ye smell good princess," he mumbled against your skin, making you giggle when you sat up, looking how his beautiful blue eyes roamed your bare chest, small playful smile on his face. "I love ye," he smirked, making you blush before you straddled his naked, laying torso, making him groan heavily. "Sit up," you whispered, making him sit impatiently, hands on both of his sides holding your thighs. "Make love to me," you whispered to his blond hair, making his grin wide when he slipped his morning wood inside you while his lips pressed against yours. "Mmh, that feels good," he moaned against your boobs, while kissing your chest, making you pant heavily. "I love you Niall," you grunted, feeling how he filled you completely. He smirked against your skin, admiring the taste of it. "NIA-ooh, sorry," Liam breathed, shutting the door the minute he opened it. "Oh god," you whimpered, leaning your head to Niall's shoulder when both of you burst out laughing. "You better.." you started, making Niall nod before going to find his friend. "Hi mate," He smiled with blushed cheeks, sitting next to Liam who was staring at his hands. "Sorry," he mumbled, making Niall smirk. "Nah, it's okei." Liam nodded, tapping his friend's leg, a small smile on his face, "That wasn't sex, was it." Niall laughed, shaking his head proudly, "If ye tell boys I was makin' love, ye're dead man."

Louis: "What on earth are you doing?" he yelled playfully, looking how you stood on your tiptoes, trying to reach the salt from the highest cabinet. He smirked, taking the salt and putting it to the counter next to you. "Thanks Lou," you smiled, kissing his stubbly jaw. It needed shaving desperately, but you loved it. "That's why I'm here for," he joked, eyes gliding when he wrapped his tattooed arms around you, pressing you against his tank top. "Yeah?" You smirked, starting to kiss his chest tattoo, making him shiver under your gentle lips. "I thought it was some else reason," you shrugged, wiggling off his touch before walking to the counter, adding the salt to your meal. You could feel how Louis' blue eyes roamed your bum, when you leaned over a sink, making your teasing as innocent as possible. "You know you're such a minx, don't you?" he questioned with a playful tone, wrapping his arms again over your waist. "What, that's the stupidest thing ever," you teased, bucking your hips backwards, making him moan loudly to your ear. "That's it," he sassed, picking you up and landing you to the counter, "Open up." You hissed to his ear when he started to rub you with his small hands, reaching every spot you needed him to touch. You bite your lip, blood drawing from it when he reached your high spots, making your screams fill the kitchen. "Lou. Inside me," you ordered breathlessly, making him raise his eyebrows, "Eager, aren't we?" You moaned against his deer tattoo when he kneeled above you, making you get what you both desired. "No! Not in the kitchen! Jesus Christ!" Niall's yell made you froze under Louis' sweaty body. "Could you go away?" Louis asked rudely, not stopping his thrusting, making you grunt even when Niall was blushing on the doorway. "Fine, Ye're such rabbits, doin' it everywhere...In the kitchen..jesus..."

Harry: You laid against his long torso in a small bunk, bodies pressed against each other when he told you one of his long, meaningless stories. The tour bus was loud, boys were playing video games in the front while the bus was driving to their next destination. "I missed you," you breathed against his chest, fingers tracing his swallow tattoos when he smiled gently, heart beating against yours. "I missed you too kitten," he said with a low voice, making smile spread to your face. He was really there. After many lonely nights of missing him, you could touch him, hear him, feel him... A small kiss to his lips, left his taste to your ones. "Did I tell you how I lost my sock in the Atlanta hotel?" he asked a minute later, making you giggle before shaking your head. "Ssh, no talking," you mumbled, pressing your lips to his again, feeling how the hunger grew inside you. He smiled gently, wrapping you closer to him, sighing to your ear when you started to tuck his tight jeans down. He helped you, smile growing on his face, cheek dimples showing in the darkness. Not saying a word, he took your panties off, kicking them aside when he pressed you against him. "Quiet kitten," he grunted to your ear when he filled you, making sure not to hurt you too badly. "Move," you whispered, biting his earlobe, tugging it lightly. He let his long legs tangle against yours when he rocked his perfect hips against yours. Your hands gripped his biceps in pure pleasure when he reached the deepest spot, making you moan to a pillow, trying your hardest not to scream out loud in a pure pleasure. "Ssh," he moaned to your ear, reaching to take his bandana, letting you bite it when he rocked against you once again, making your eyes roll back. "Um, Harry, could you give my phone charger from your shelf," Zayn's voice asked, making Harry freeze. "Shit," he sighed, reaching the charger and throwing it through the curtains to the waiting boy. Harry groaned, running his hands through his locks, making you sigh. "Just..continue...sorry mate," Zayn mumbled, leaving you two. You bite your lip, looking down, making Harry smile. "Well, he told us to, right?"

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