You die and he finds our you had his baby after you broke up Part 1

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Zayn: I reached out my Iphone. It had been ringing loudly past minutes, not stopping even when I yelled at it. I was tucked under my bed covers, only legs pointing out under the cover. Last night I had a late night at the studio with boys. We had planned the new cd and tour all over. It was going to be perfect, if I could get a chance to sleep. "Hello", I answered grumpily, morning voice raspy just like my stubble. "Mr. Malik?" a woman voice asked through the phone, making me wake up a bit and sit up. "Yes this is him," I answered politely. She sounded really official. "Good. I'm Mary from you law firm," She answered firmily, like she'd noticed I just woke up. "Oh, is something wrong?" I asked, now a little panicked. Why would they call me? "Actually, there is. Could you possibly come to the office as soon as possible?" She said, voice still calm like ice. My heart stopped for a second. Shit, this can't be good. "Yea, I'm on my way," I answered in a second, closing the phone before starting to pull my pants on. Shit, shit, shit...This can't be good... I reached the lawyer's office in no time. I believe I got like ten speed tickets, but I was too nervous to care. All I could think was what the hell was going on... Mr. Lewis, my lawyer sat in front of me when I sat down to the big red chair. "Mr. Malik, I'm sorry to inform you that Y/N Y/L/N has passed away yesterday in a car crash," he said severe look on his face. I could feel my stomach drop. Y/N...My ex-girlfriend Y/N? Suddenly I saw her face on my mind. She was smiling and laughing...I remembered how I used to love her, or did still love her. I fought back my tears looking at Mr. Lewis in front of me. "I'm sorry to hear that," was all I got out. It sounded so lame... "There's more," Mr. Lewis continued, looking right at me. I could feel my hands sweat. "Did Y/N ever tell you she has a daughter?" I heard Mr. Lewis's words, but I didn't really know why he was talking to me... I mean we split up like...twelve years ago. "No she didn't," I answered, rising my eyebrows trying to signal that I had no idea what was going on. "Well, she has. Her parents or relatives aren't capable of taking care of her, so the court decided to give her custody to the closest relative who can." Mr. Lewis continued talking, but my brains slowed me down. I still didn't understand it..."So," Mr. Lewis started, looking at me with his scary brown eyes, "Custody of Ray Emily Y/L/N is ordered to his father. And that means you Mr. Malik"

Liam: I lay in my bed, staring at the wall next to me. I couldn't sleep; something didn't let me to sink in my much needed slumber. I didn't feel very good. I didn't know why, but I just didn't. The clock next to me showed the time. It was nearly midnight, and I had an early morning tomorrow. Boys and I had a meeting in a local radio center. It was finally time to start advertise our new album. A doorbell ring woke me up from my intense wall staring. Immediately jumping out of bed, only wearing my boxers and a t-shirt, I rushed to the door. No one usually came this late, unless there was something wrong. I opened the door, peaking my head to see who it was. For a second, I stared at a girl I knew years ago. She was Y/N's best friend. I opened the door fully when I saw the tears on her cheeks. Mascara ran black stripes to her white cheeks when she stared at me, not knowing what to say. "Y/BF/N, Come in," I said, not sure what to do myself. She practically ran into my apartment, looking at me before bursting in to more tears. "Hey, hey, hey..," I said, trying to calm her down. "Liam..," she said, voice breaking so badly I could hardly tell what was coming out of her mouth, "She died! She just died! One day she was there and then...They're taking him away! They'll give him to foster homes! You know how Y/N didn't have much family after her parents died, but they can't do that! They can't take him away to some shitty foster homes! Who knows what they'll do to him! Y/N didn't want that...shit..."She cried against her hands, when I stood in front of her, head spinning. What she was talking about? Y/N? Dead? And who is he? "I-I don't understand..," I said trying to sound calm, but I bet I didn't. "Liam, after you left her for Danielle, she found out she was pregnant. Now she's dead and they're giving him away! They're giving her son away! Just like he'd be some old toy! She's dead Liam, she's dead! And they won't let me have James! I don't know what to do..," she was crying against my shoulder now, but only things in my mind were that my beautiful Y/N was dead and I had a son.

Louis: I was sitting in my kitchen, having a talk with my mom while we drank tea. It was our every Friday thing, we did it every time I didn't have tour or show or interview. It was just something we loved to do. Talk and bond, I mean even when I wasn't living under her roof anymore she was still my mom. A knock on the front door interrupted our discussion about whether we paint my kitchen again or not. I jogged to my door, wearing only plain white t-shirt and shorts. "Hello!" I greeted a woman who was standing on my doorway. She looked really tight, just like those annoying professors in school, "How can I help you?" She looked me displeased until my mom appeared to check who was at the door. "Are you Mr. Louis Tomlinson?", She asked, looking at me with a face what would cut a class. "Yeah that's me!" I said smiling, trying to see what that lemon wanted. "We need to talk," she said simply, giving me a warning glare before heading in. She sat to our tea table, crossing her legs before she looked at me and mom. We were sitting across her, looking at her curiously. "We have been informed that in the last hand, you Louis William Tomlinson, have a custody for William Thomas Y/L/N, if any other obligated guardian is not capable to do that. With that, Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N have been confirmed unstable because of their health conditions and there is no one else. So it's now up to you choose do you take the custody or do you send William Y/L/N to Sunrise foster home?" She talked quickly and clearly, making me squirm at my place. What the hell was she talking about? "William Y/L/N?" mom asked, looking at the woman. She nodded, handing me some papers, "There's a proof that William Thomas Y/L/N's biological father is you, Mr. Tomlinson. I'm sorry to rush you but you need to decide. Sunrise foster home needs their decision as soon as possible." I stared at the woman sitting across my tea table. My hands shook a bit when mom reached her's to hold mine. "I have a son?"

Harry: I sat on a hospital, still unaware why I was there. The doctors had called me, letting me know it was important me to be there. They didn't give me any information, but I sat there in the white plastic chairs waiting someone to tell me what was going on. I sighed, rubbing my curls trying to close my eyes for a minute. It was over midnight and something had to be wrong. I cursed silently again when a nurse walked past me knowing nothing what was going on. This had to be some kind of prank. Boys had to come out of the room laughing their guts of when they'd find me waiting in the hospital in the middle of the Wednesday night. Finally, some doctor with a white coat and serious look walked to me, telling me follow him to the conversation room. I sat to the padded chair, stomach crumbling and reminding I hadn't eat anything after lunch. "Mr. Styles..," the doctor said, looking at me over his classes. He was just like those doctors in movies. He could just jump to the table and open my chest with a ruler and make me a successful heart surgery. "Yes," I answered, looking at him, trying to stop my stomach for crumbling. "I'm sorry to be the one for telling this, but Y/N Y/L/N has passed away an hour ago. There were complications, severe complications. There was nothing we could do. I'm sorry," The doctor's words made my heart sink. Y/N...Every feeling I had felt like numb compared to the new pain what was now in my heart bursting it apart. Y/N was dead. She was dead...Even thought of not able to see her never again drove me crazy. Yes I broke up with her, but it was because my career. I wasn't good enough for her... And now...She was gone. "Mr. Styles?" Doctor asked with a tone that told he had tried to talk to me earlier, "You need to sign your daughter's information papers and if it's possible, donate some blood. I know this is really shocking but it was rough to her too. She's going to be fine, but she'll need a lot of care." I stared at the doctor who was looking at me expecting my answer. My mouth dried a bit, voice sticking my throat when I finally managed to whisper, "She died for giving birth? For my daughter?"

Niall: My fingers ran on the strings, when I hummed the lyrics what popped to my mind. TV was on some random soccer game coming out. I didn't really know the teams, but it didn't matter. Some jack ass had made mistake for letting the goalkeeper play. He sucked. He had let in like ten goals but at least I got a good laugh looking at him. I groaned when a knock on my door disturbed my hanging out. I hated getting out of my couch just to open the door to see some guy selling some useless stuff. I opened the door seeing someone I never thought I would. Y/N's brother. He looked me head to feet, with a sad expression. His eyes were red and he had bags under his eyes. "Hi mate, what brings you here?" I asked, trying to sound cheerful. I knew he didn't come for nothing. He was far away from home. "Y/N," he responded, looking down at his feet. I flinched a bit hearing her name again. She had been everything for me. Everything. Until management made us split up. "Is she okay?" I asked, letting Y/B/N in. He sat on the couch, looking down again when few tears slipped out of his eyes. "No, she's not okay," he answered with shaky voice, She's dead Niall." I could feel my heart drop and shatter in million pieces. I always thought that we'd be together again when the time would be right... I got up, throwing my shaky hands through my hair. I was mad, I was so angry I wanted to throw stuff. If Y/B/N wasn't there I would have. How they could to this? How could they take Y/N? "That's not why I'm here," her brother said slowly, getting up too, placing his hands on my shoulders and started, "You know that Y/N didn't come along with our parents..." I nodded, looking at him. "And uhm, I still asked them, but they said no... Niall, when my sister and you broke up she was pregnant. She's with me now, your daughter, but I have to go to military. I can't give her away for someone who treats her like shit. I've tried everything...You're my last string. I don't know what to do.." I stared at him in silence. I had a daughter? Why the hell didn't Y/N tell me? Her brother looked at me, small tears in his eyes, "She has Y/N's smile."

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