Management hires you to date him

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Harry: You'd been a fan of One Direction for a while when their management team contacted you and asked if you'd be Harry's fake girlfriend. You considered turning down the offer, you'd seen how their female friends were treated. But management pretty much forced you to say yes. So one week later, you were on a date with the Harry Styles. He took you on a date to the zoo. "I don't like you. I don't want to like you. I told them I didn't want a girlfriend." He said as soon as he saw you. "We'll, I didn't exactly want to say yes, Styles. They told me to date you. Let's just pretend that we're at least friendly." That's what you did. You walked around, smiling and laughing at each other, and when the fans took pictures with him, you even offered to take it for them. By the end of the "date" you guys actually got along pretty well. He dropped you off at your home and stood next to you while you unlocked the door. "Hey, Y/N, I think we should hang out again. Just as friends though." "Of course!" You agree and when you get inside, you close your eyes and wish that maybe it'll be something more than just friends.

Liam: After he and Danielle broke up again, the fanbase was once more devastated and Liam looked fairly upset too. You, personally, didn't like One Direction; you thought that they were a bunch of immature boys who needed to learn to grow up. That's why you were shocked the day that your acting teacher came in and handed you a slip of paper before heading to the front of the room to instruct the rest of the students. You were an aspiring actress and your teacher thought that you'd be the best choice out of all of his students to fulfill the role of Liam Payne's girlfriend. So a few days later you got to meet the celebrity and he had to take you out for dinner. There was paparazzi everywhere and they were shouting questions about if you were just his rebound girl or if this was actually a serious relationship. You could see that Liam was getting upset, so you just told the flashing lights to back off and you pulled him inside the nearest building, locking yourselves in the bathroom at the back of the place. You asked him what was wrong and he said that he just didn't like hearing Danielle's name everywhere; they were over why couldn't people wrap their heads around that? So after that, the two of you snuck out the back door of the shop and made it back to his place where you actually got to know each other and unsurprisingly, you grew to be friendly.

Louis: The Sass Master always got on your nerves. His management people had pulled you off the street at random one day, so that wasn't a good start to the "relationship" especially since, at the time, you'd believed that you were being kidnapped. Right away, they'd sent you and Louis off on a vacation, making sure that paps were on your tail the whole time. But you got so annoyed by him and he obviously hated you. He barely spoke to you at all and when you had to go out together and were surrounded by paparazzi, he would push you in front of him and he'd make awful jokes about you in reply to their questions. So one day, you finally got fed up with it all, so while you were walking around with a few super nosy men asking questions you just shouted out the first thing that came to mind: "I'm only dating him because they hired me as a beard!" And that sent Louis on a frenzy. He grabbed your arm and turned you both straight back around to return to the hotel that you'd only just left, he ran you inside to the room and once the door was shut, he slammed you up against it. "I can't believe you fucking said that, Y/N! Do you know what that's going to do? So many people are going to believe that and then what? God, I told them that I'd be find without a girlfriend for just five-fucking-weeks, but no! I have to because they don't want the outbreak of Larry Stylinson rumors again!" He was just a breath away from my face and he was shouting which I hated but he looked so hot while doing it, so I crushed my lips against his and we stumbled backwards onto the bed, letting out our frustrations at each other that way. And after that our "relationship" wasn't ever quite the same. We weren't real but we weren't completely fake either because basically we would just do what bunnies do and then turn around and hate each other. It was fine... for the time being.

Niall: He'd known you his whole life. And you'd known. He was your brother's best friend and he was the super hot famous guy now who had hundreds of thousands of girls swooning over him at any given second. Niall James Horan with the crystal blue eyes and the crooked teeth and the brown hair that you loved hidden underneath the blonde. Neither you nor your brother heard much from him for a while when he was away on tour, but when he was home for the holidays or just if he had a bit of time off, he was there at your house every second of the day. Not that you had a problem with that since you'd been in love with him since you were ten and he was twelve. He must've posted a picture of you at some point because next thing you knew, you were being contacted by Modest Management and they were saying something about money and Niall and dating him. You were a bit confused by it all, so you just said yes. Soon you were in London and Niall was showing you around, laughing, joking, and occasionally you got to meet a fan of his. You never really thought of it as dating him because it was really just hanging out around his flat with him, playing video games and eating food and hearing him strum his guitar. But one day your brother finally realized that that's his baby sister on the cover of that magazine with his best friend and the headline said that they were dating! He called your "boyfriend" and blew up on him, shouting loud enough for you to hear and calling him every bad word he could pull out of the dictionary and a couple that weren't found even there. You stole the phone, telling him that it was just Niall's management, that you two weren't actually dating, just hanging out together almost 24/7. And that's all it really was, just the two of you living in one building, trying to keep to yourselves and mostly out of the media's spotlight. But slowly as a month passed by and then two, you began to see small changes in your "boyfriend." His hair was getting more and more brown, like it used to be, and his face was taking on that look from back when you were kids and he kissed you in your backyard when your brother wasn't looking. Then one night, the two of you went to an award show and you got to witness the true joy on all five of the boy's faces when they won for their categories. It was afterwards, when Twitter was buzzing about the hug that the two of you shared, that Niall giggled and blushed and said to you, "Y/N, you know that these past two months we've been lying to your brother, right? I want you to be my girlfriend; I love you." You were speechless.

Zayn: His image had been getting worse lately. He still looked like the gorgeous sex-god model, but people had noticed him smoking and drinking a lot more and suddenly tattoos were appearing almost nightly. The fans were starting to get worried and they were scared that if he kept this up he was going to hurt himself. So one night when you were on Tumblr and you received a message, you never expected the surprise you got when you clicked on the link. Congratulations, (YourURLHere), you have been selected to enter this contest to meet One Direction. Normally, you would disregard it, thinking it complete bullshit, but this time you just had a feeling so you clicked on the link and surprisingly you were taken to the bands website. It was a hidden link so only the select few it had been sent to could find it. You read the instructions/rules and filled out the form that was asking Full Name, Age, Height, Nationality, Likes & Dislikes, Birthday, Favorite Color, Relationship Status (cause that was a normal thing to ask), and full disciplinary record. It was a few weeks later, when you'd nearly forgotten about it, that you received another message: congratulations (Y/N)! You've won the opportunity to receive free tickets and a backstage pass to the 1D concert of your choice! You quickly accepted the offer and next thing you knew you were being ushered backstage at the concert and being confronted by a group of men and women in black business attire. They informed you that you had been selected by Modest Management to date Zayn Malik and help him regain his image. They said something about you were such a good girl and would be a terrific match for him. Just as they started discussing numbers (like to get paid for dating your idol), you saw them. Him mostly. The boys were walking towards you and in the back of your mind you heard the business people mention around 70,000 dollars if you made it through the whole year successfully. You didn't want to agree to it, but then you saw Zayn, straight off the stage, pull out a cigarette and push up his sleeves to reveal a dozen new tattoos that hadn't been there last week. Niall came over to where you all were standing. "Hey, could you please help? We all really want the old Zayn back." He was pleading with you and that's what pushed you over the edge to say yes, because if his own best friends knew that he was getting really bad then you knew that he needed some help, whether you would be really good at it or not.

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