First kiss

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Niall: It was a drunken kiss on the first night you met him. Both of you had had too much to drink, everything was blurring around you except for him and his bright face and hair and eyes and smile. He was blinding like the sun, but his lips shone like tulips. As pink as the inside of a strawberry and you loved that taste. You couldn't resist him, you needed his kiss, to taste the strawberry lips, so you pulled him in for a kiss and never really left afterwards.

Louis: He was always so cute around you like he was nervous even though he was Louis Tomlinson who is so gorgeous and perfect that he should never be insecure even once in his life. Your first kiss with him was no less cute. It was at the end of your third date with him, he walked you to your door and stood right behind you to block the paparazzi camera flashes that had been following you both all night. When you turned around he was right in front of your face and he smiled, a slight blush painting his cheeks. "Can I kiss you?" You nodded and he leaned down, capturing your lips with his while the cameras flashed away.

Harry: He'd been your best friend since the day you met him and neither of you seriously though that it would ever amount to anything other than just friendship. But then there came the day when the two of you got in a heated arguement at his house. He was being stupid and annoying and just getting on your nerves. So you were yelling at him and he was yelling at you, and even though it was terrifying to have his deep voice shouting at you, it was also undeniably hot. After a few moments you were at each others throats and you were about to slap him across the face but instead you smacked his lips with yours. And he wasn't afraid to hit you back with his lips.

Zayn: "Come on, just one little kiss?" he begged. "Zayn, shut up, we're in the middle of something in case you haven't noticed." The two of you were at a fancy soiree and you'd been chatting with someone when he came up and wrapped his arm around your waist, his lips pressed to your ear with one simple request. You could smell the alcohol on his breath and finally you excused yourself from the conversation and walked a short distance with him. The cool outside air, sobered him a tiny bit. "I still want a kiss, Y/N." You sighed and pecked him on the lips. "There, Zayn. We aren't a couple I don't know why you wanted me to -" And then his lips were back on yours, passionately, fiercely. "Kiss you." You finished when he let you away for a breath. "I want you to be my girlfriend, not my best friend, silly girl."

Liam: "One Direction Kissing Booth for Charity" You signed up for it right away and soon you were standing in line, ready to see one of them. Suddenly the line was split into five, each one leading to a different boy. You found the Liam line and within a few more minutes, you were standing in front of him, his brown eyes crinkling around the edges from his smile. You handed him the dollar and his fingers brushed against yours, sending little shocks up your body. When he leaned in and his lips finally touched yours, you felt your body go numb and heat up all at once, you brain exploded into colors and you felt his soft tongue slip into your mouth and fight with yours for a second before he won and the kiss continued on for a couple moments until finally there was enough noise that you two broke apart and he looked at the long queue of fans behind you. "That was fun." You commented. "I'd like to do it again." He passed a slip of paper into your hand and on it was a promise of a see you later.

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