He has an accedient and you go see him at the hospital

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Liam: You sit on your couch staring the clock on your wall. It was past ten and Liam should be home by now. You felt anxious, Liam was never late. You picked up your phone, trying to call him, but his phone was off. You sighed, it was your anniversary and Liam should have a really good excuse for being late. You were both angry and worried when your phone rang. It was Louis. "Louis, where the hell is Liam?", you shouted before he even said hello. "Listen Y/N, you need to come to hospital, there's something wrong with Liam's kidney... I-i found him lying on the studio..." Your heart stopped, "Is he okay?" Your hands shook when Louis answered with a low voice, "He's in the operation room, we don't know yet." Your heart beat so fast it hurt, "I'll be there in ten minutes." When you got to the hospital, first thing you saw was Louis sitting in the waiting room. He looked miserable. His head was in his hands and he looked scared. You were afraid. You felt awful. You didn't want to even think what would happen if..."Louis..." you whispered looking at him tears falling down your cheeks, "Where's Liam?" Louis smiled sadly and you sat next to him preparing yourself to the worst. "He's in his room, he's gonna be just fine," Louis said and smiled tiredly. You pressed your head to your hands, shaking and crying. You were so relieved you couldn't speak. You looked up to the doctor walking towards you. "Mr. Tomlinson," He said and Louis nodded before he introduced you. "Well Mr. Tomlinson and Miss Y/L/N, Liam is awake, would you like to see him?" You nodded smiling through your tears. Louis let you go first, he knew, how much you wanted to see your loved one. You opened the door and looked inside Liam's room. He sat leaning to big white pillows. There was different kind of tubes coming out of his hands, but he had a little smile on his face. You couldn't be more relieved, he was alive. "Liam...", you said sniffling and leaned to kiss his lips. "I'm sorry that I ruined our anniversary, Y/N," he said quietly, looking at you with his beautiful eyes. You laughed a bit in relief, "You're alive. That's the most important thing in the whole world." Liam smiled and lifted his shaking hand to dry your tears. "I love you Y/N. Happy anniversary." You kissed his palm, "I love you too Liam, so much, happy anniversary."

Zayn: It has been two hours since you last heard about Zayn. He had left after a huge fight and didn't come back like he used to do after your arguments. You sat on your bed, still angry at him, but you were concerned that he wouldn't come back. You loved him so much and you didn't want to break up. You just wanted him to be more home with you. You loved him more than anything and you didn't want to fight. You opened the tv and flipped through the channels trying to find something comforting. Maybe Zayn just needed time... After watching ten minutes some annoying reality tv- show, you stopped to watch the latest celebrity news. You loved to laugh some of the stupid rumors going around. "... The latest information tells that One Direction band member, Zayn Malik, was in a car accident. He was walking and a car hit him. No one knows how bad is the situation, but as far as we know, his band member Harry Styles, is waiting him in the hospital, " You stared at the screen where a blonde woman kept talking about the accident. Your head was blurry, nothing made sense. Was this another weird rumor? You dialed Harry's number. He answered concerned, "Hello." "Hi Harry, it's Y/N, is it true that Zayn is in the hospital?", you asked trying to calm yourself down. "Oh shit..."You heard him sighing, "Um, yea it's true... I thought Liam called you..." You stood up trying to get your shoes on, "I'm right there." You closed the phone angry and hurt that they didn't tell you. You were also extremely worried. "He's gonna be okay...", you whispered to yourself driving your car to the hospital, "He has to be okay..." You ran to the waiting room where Harry looked at you apologizing. "Is he okay?", you said before he could even say anything. "Yeah he's fine. He has a broken hip, nothing more, he's in there now...Listen Y/N, I'm so sorry...", Harry said but before he had a chance to finish, the doctor's door opened and Zayn limped in. He had crutches and he looked like he was in little bit pain. You looked at him and opened your arms. He smiled at you and hugged you tightly. "I'm sorry," you whispered, "Let's not fight anymore." He kissed your tears away and smiled, "I was coming back home." You took his leather jacket and helped it on, "I know love."

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