Miss you

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Liam- You had just come back from your 7th date with Liam and, unlike any other dates, as soon as you stepped into your house and said goodbye to your now boyfriend, you actually missed him. It felt weird not being around him, not being able to crack stupid jokes so you listened to some music to not feel as lonely until you received a text from him. You smiled, and he basically wrote everything you were thinking. He missed you too, it wasn't just you. You both had a deep feeling that this relationship would last for a long while.

Harry- Harry and you moved in together and everything was perfect, or almost. You missed your parents and siblings a lot. After living with them for more than twenty years you felt like something was missing. "What's wrong?" Harry asked you noticing the look on your face "I miss my family, and I feel like something is missing but I just figured out that as much as I miss them, even though it feels strange now, this is where I belong; here with you" he smiled and hugged you tightly kissing your forehead understanding exactly how you felt.

Zayn- After the break up he had recently experienced, you saw him distancing himself from everyone. He didn't want to be around anyone and he kind of stopped talking to everyone closest to him, even you, his best friend. No matter how many times you called him, he would never answer until today "Zayn! Why haven't you been talking tome! I'm your best friend" you screamed sharing how hurt you felt "I don't know, I didn't feel like doing much of anything" "I miss you" you let out "I do too... Can you forgive me?" "Of course! You're my best friend" you heard him laugh and you were relieved he was feeling better "Don't ever do that to me again" "I won't" he promised.

Niall- "NO! DON'T LEAVE ME" you shouted dramatically at the airport trying to embarrass Niall "Shut up Y/N! You're so loud" he said in between laughs leaving to board his plane. You guys always messed around and why not do it in a fun place such as the airport? "I MISS YOU ALREADY BOO!" you called from "far away" as he turned for what you thought was the last time "Jesus! I MISS YOU TOO" he played along "BYE BABE" "BYE!" yelled right before getting scolded by the security guards making you roll on the ground laughing.

Louis- Out of the two of you, he was the one who suffered the most without you. During long tours, like this, he didn't really know how to deal with not seeing your face, or seeing you smile, or making tea for you every evening so, he would Skype you whenever he could. On those rare days you couldn't, he would go to bed early, try to picture you as best as he could and he would inhale the scent of the shirt you lent him because you knew that, even if it was such a small thing, he would feel better and in fact, it did work every time and he would always think you knew him better than he knew himself, which was probably true.

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