He buys you flowers

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Louis: "Y/N!" He shouted as soon as the door slammed shut behind him. He found out that you weren't there yet, so he sat down on the couch, turned on the TV, and began to wait. Several hours, later you finally got home and he jumped up, grabbing the bouquet of flowers off the cushions beside them and holding them out to you. A bit taken aback, you just looked at the before suspiciously taking them. "What did you do?" He just shook his head with a grin. "I saw them and thought of you. I promise, I didn't do anything wrong."

Niall: In a turn of events, you'd been the one to be gone for a couple months while he was stuck at home. So when you returned, your plane touching down at the airport, he was there to pick you up, a bouquet of flowers held out in front of him. His arms gripped you tightly as soon as he could touch you, smashing the beautiful flowers between you, but he no longer cared about them because something much more beautiful was held in his arms.

Zayn:This fight had been a big one, the biggest one yet. You'd thrown him out of the house without his keys or his phone, so you weren't sure where he could've gone when he wasn't still outside the next morning. Hours passed and then you began to wonder if he would come back, you missed him, you were sorry. At the sound of the door opening and shutting and Zayn's familiar footfalls on the floor, you sighed. His footsteps stopped right behind were you were sitting at the kitchen table and then he bent down and kissed your cheek, moving his hands in front of you to reveal a bunch of roses bound together with a note of apology.

Liam: Your first morning off together in months and one of you had forgotten to turn off the alarm, so it began blaring at seven o'clock in the morning. It woke both of you up, but he slapped it silent, so you rolled over to go back to bed. "No, let's make the most of today. I'll be right back. Don't fall asleep on me." He vanished from the room and fifteen minutes later he returned with a breakfast tray full of food and a vase of bright yellow flowers.

Harry: It wasn't the first time he'd bought you flowers, but it was the last. He missed you already. Your laugh, your smell, the way that you would wake him up in the mornings by kissing his nose. Harry wiped away the tear that fell down his cheek, shoving one hand into his pocket while the other tightly gripped the bouquet of your favorite flowers. The coffin sat in front of him, the ground damp from the rain that had been drizzling all morning. The crowd of onlookers was silent as they watched him place the already wilting plants on top of the smooth lid. He swallowed once which was hard to do, but not as hard as it was to take a deep breath, to turn around and face his family and yours and all of your friends, to pretend that his life wasn't over just because you'd gone.

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