Baby before marriage

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Niall: "What would you say if I told you I wanted a baby?" You asked him one night as you sat beside him on the couch while he played some video game. He shrugged. "Don't know, I guess I want a couple kids too." But he wasn't too invested in the conversation. "I do want one. Kind of... soon-ish." The game ended right then and he put the controller down, turning to look at you. "Soon? You mean with me before we're married or anything?" You nodded, searching his eyes for the reaction that the rest of him wasn't giving you. "Sure, why not? We'll be great parents." Despite his words of being all gung-ho about it, he went back to his game, leaving you to wonder when exactly all of that would start.

Louis: It had been sort of accidental, not that either of you would ever let anyone know that. You and Louis had been friends for a while, just acquaintances really, but as soon as he split up with Eleanor, he threw himself to partying with his friends that weren't her friends. Luckily, that was you and most nights you would see him, drunk and kissing some girl in the dark corners of the club or the bar or wherever you were at. That didn't bother you until the night that you were one of those girls and then you became one of those ever fewer girls that he would take home with him. Let's just say that things happened and nine months later you were screaming in pain, gripping onto his hand as you brought your son into the world.

Liam: One, two, three. Breathe in, breath out, and again. You hated the stupid breathing exercises that they were teaching you. Most likely, when you were giving birth, you would be thinking of the fact that a baby was about to come out of you, a little girl baby. You probably would enjoy these classes more if your boyfriend could actually be there, but his job put him in high demand, thus stealing him away from you for much of the pregnancy. Oddly enough, it was Harry who was accompanying you to that particular class, curious about what exactly happened in the room full of pregnant women. When he followed you in, instantly one of your friends you'd made in the class came over, asking if this was the mysterious boyfriend Liam. "No, this is his friend Harry. He's just being helpful." "I'm going to give Liam a play-by-play of what he has to do."

Zayn: The nurse in charge of writing the name on the birth certificate was so confused when she came into the room. Zayn was sitting by your side, cradling your newborn son and cooing at him. "So you want his last name to be Malik, not Y/L/N?" She frowned, scribbling out the name on the piece of paper in front of her. "Yes, we aren't married yet, but Zayn's the father, so we want him to be a Malik since the wedding's in a few months." The woman nodded. "Okay, so Hayden Anthony Malik, is that correct?" She held out the paper for you to look over the spellings of everything. You nodded, sighing with relief that the twenty minutes it had taken her to write down the three names were finally over.

Harry: His voice was staticky over the long-distance call, separated by an ocean and a fair bit of land. "Remember when you said that you wanted to have kids, but you can't?" He asked, causing your heart to throb at the painful reminder that you were unable to get pregnant. "Yeah, what about it?" "There's this orphanage over here, you know, the one that we've been helping at. Why don't we adopt? I know you said that that was only at a last resort and that you'd rather have a surrogate, but there's this tiny baby girl, she's only a couple weeks old they say. Her name's Rosemary and you've got to see her, babe." His voice sounded desperate and you knew that if you said no to adopting her then he would act like a little boy who didn't get to keep the stray puppy that they brought home. "I've bought you a plane ticket so that you can fly down and come see her. The flight leaves tomorrow at ten. Please, baby." You sighed into the line, your heart sort of feeling lighter and happier as you answered, "Alright, I'll see you soon." You could almost hear his huge smile that was surely bursting from his lips.

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