He breaks up with you

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Liam: For the first time in such a long time, he realized that he was happy and you weren't. Every day you were getting pelted by hate on twitter and somehow a few fans had found out your phone number and so they called you and texted you. You were the love of his life, but he could see clearly that you weren't happy in the relationship anymore. "Y/N, I don't think we should be together anymore." He sat down next to you one day and to his surprise, you agreed. The next day you were gone for good, living a happier life.

Louis: You just weren't giving him what he wanted anymore. He moved on and found it in someone else. Someone prettier and smarter and more loved by the fans. Some girl that was loved more by him. He never actually suggested the breakup and you didn't suspect a thing until the day that you came home and realized that he wasn't there and he most likely wasn't coming back. A few days later your suspicions were confirmed when he was spotted out with another girl and they were both smiling and laughing, kissing and holding hands.

Niall: "I hate you so much!" You spat at him. "I probably hate you more, Y/N." He shouted and then his lips were on yours and everything after that was a blur. Later that night you were both still laying there side-by-side and hate was still coursing through both of your veins even after the angry sex. "You're going to hate me more, but I think it's over between us." And with that said, he stood up, got dressed, and walked out your door, leaving your heart shattered in his wake.

Zayn: It was your best friend's wedding and you'd been her maid of honor. Poor Zayn was forced to sit in between her great aunt and great uncle who were bickering for the entire ceremony in "whispers" that were really shouts. After the pictures but before the reception, you found Zayn and he pulled you over to sit on a bench with him. He wasn't looking at you and he was nervously tapping his foot and adjusting his tie. "Zayn, what is it?" "I - I don't know if I can do this, Y/N. I love you, you know that, but while I was sitting there between Bert and Ethel, I couldn't help but see us being like that one day. I don't want that to happen. And when Y/F/N and him were up there saying their vows.... I can't imagine ever doing any of those things. I can't be that guy standing up there in front of people and promising that I will always be loyal to one person that I will one day not be able to stand. I'm sorry, Y/N, but I'm not going to be able to love you like you want me to." He squeezed your hand and left you broken-hearted at a wedding.

Harry: He was staring off into space, his big hands tangled in his lap and lip tucked under his teeth. "Harry?" You'd been in the middle of talking to him when he zoned out like that. "Harry?" You touched his shoulder and he snapped out of it, slowly turning his head to look at you, green eyes shining but he continued gnawing on his bottom lip. "I want to break up." He stated. "You - you what?" And he repeated his request. "Why?" "Does it matter why?" He stood up, messing his hair with his fingers as he paced around the room. "I just want to, okay?" There was something off about him and the way that his hands were shaking and his voice gravelly like he was trying to hide something. "Fine. Alright, Harry, if that's what you want." You were trying to suppress the tears, but he saw that anyway and pulled you in for a hug. "I'm sorry, Y/N, but it's what I need, what you need. We just have to take a short break or something." You didn't get it, it sounded as if he didn't want to be doing this.

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