he leaves your for his ex, regrets it and wants you back (Niall)

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 ”Thanks again Greg for bringing me here.” You said smiling, walking out of the Mullingar airport with Niall’s brother walking beside you. “No problem, I just think it would be a good idea for you to surprise Niall. You two haven’t seen each other in awhile.” He said and you nodded. “Yeah, I miss him so much.” You said with a smile, knowing you where going to see him very soon.

     You and Greg got to his car and you put your bags in the back. “So where is Niall at the moment? And, how are we going to surprise the blondy?” You asked getting in the car. “Well Niall said he was gonna go to the park and kick a football around. So u think we should go there first because I can tell you don’t want to wait.” Greg said with a little laugh. “Is it really that obvious?” You asked and Greg laughed. “Yes, but don’t worry i’m the same way when I haven’t seen Denise. Well ready to go?” He asked and you nodded. “More then ever.”

     Greg drove to the park close to Niall’s old neighborhood. He pulled over and stopped the car. “He’s somewhere in there, do you want me to guide you in there until you find Niall?” Greg said and you nodded. “That would be nice.”

     You both got out of the car and walked around looking for Niall. Soon enough you herd the familiar laugh that you loved. “I think I found him.” You said with a smile, walking to where you herd the laugh from.

     Soon as you got closer you stopped in your tracks. You saw Niall with his arms around his ex Amy. You felt your heart broke as you saw him kiss her and smile at her the same way he did at you. “Niall how longer until you have to go back to the hag.” You herd Amy say. “Not for awhile, don’t worry babe we will be over soon and you will have me all to yourself.” Niall said which made you feel like everything was crashing.

     A tear fell down as you saw them kiss again. “(Y/N) did you find Ni….” Greg stopped talking soon as he saw what his brother was doing. “(Y/N) I didn’t know i’m so sorry.” Greg said and you just sniffled. “It’s ok. Can we just leave?” You asked and Greg nodded.

     ”(Y/N)? What are you doing here?” The boy the broke your heart said finally noticing you’re there. You just looked at him with with tears streaming down your face. “Greg let’s go please.” You said knowing you where going to break down. Amy just stood there smirking, knowing that she won. Greg nodded then looked at Niall. “I can’t believe you would do something this cruel.” He spat, before bringing you back to his car.

     Soon as you got into the car Greg gave you a hug and you broke down sobbing. “I’m so sorry (Y/N). Lets take you back to my house and relax.” All you did was nod, feeling broken. Knowing you probably wont be fixed.

You weren’t able to stay at Greg’s house to long. The heart break from Niall really took a toll on you, and sadly being around his family didn’t really help you feel better. So after a couple day you told them sorry and that you had to leave. They totally understood and wished you lucky.

     It’s been a month now and you found yourself working as a crew member at a stadium. You met new friends and started to feel better, until you herd those words from your co-worker, while walking in to start your day. “So One direction is here for their concert tonight! I’m totally excited and there girl friends are here too I guess.”

     You froze in your spot. “Oh no, please no, no no no, please don’t be real.” You said in your head before hearing. “(Y/N)? Is that you?” You groaned in your mind before turning around seeing a curly mop of hair. “Hey Harry.” You said a bit awkward, smiling a little. His dimpled smile pops out. “How have you been?” He asked and you shrugged. “I’ve been better.” You said, sighing a little and Harry frowned. “You know the lad and I miss you. And, we proffer you way more then Amy.” Harry whispered the last part, whiling looking around cautiously, which made you giggle a little. “Well that’s nice to know, well I’ll catch up with you later then?” You said and he nodded, before heading off.

     Soon after you walked down the hall getting ready to work. You hopped that will be the last run into someone. You where about to walk into the employee room, but stopped when you herd. “Well, well hello again (Y/N).” Amy. You turned around to see her smirking at you. “Amy.” You said with a dull tone. “Woah (Y/N), you look terrible.” She laughed. “This is making my plan much better.” She said evilly and you looked at her in slight confusion. “Plan? What plan?” You asked and she moved closer.

     ”Well now that the deed is done, I guess I can tell you. My plan was to steal Niall back and get fame and fortune.” She said chuckling and you felt your blood boil. “He’s suddenly got cuter when he has money in his pocket. And, I guess he believed every lie and bullshit answer I told him. He left you so fast for me.” She said with a smirk plastered on her face.

     You looked at her with pure hatred. “You bitch, how can you be so cool. Using a sweet boy just because you want to be a fucking fame whore.” You spat in anger. “Shut up bitch, watch it or I’ll make your life worst. I can just tell Niall another lie to make him hate you.” She sneered. She had pure poison in her vain. You took a step closer and flung your arm up.

     ”Hey! What’s going on here!”

   You looked over to see Niall with his fist clenched. Amy started to fake cry and she ran over to NIall. “N-Niall thank god you’re here. (Y/N) was about to hit me. And, all I did was try to talk to her.” Amy said fake sobbing into Niall’s chest. You looked at her with disbelief. “Oh so trying to talk to me is acting like a total-.” She cut you off with her sobs getting louder.

       ”Oh stop with the fucking fake crying Amy.” Niall snapped and Amy looked at Niall with a fake shocked face. “W-What?” She said with her perfectly fake innocent voice. “Oh don’t act so innocent I herd everything.” He growled and Amy stood there speechless. You watched in shock and a little pleasure at the scene in front of you.

       ”Tell me the truth Amy now.” You never seen Niall this mad and by seeing Amy’s face neither has she. “TELL ME!” He yelled, with a hint of sadness in his voice. “I used you for you’re money and fame Niall. But, you have to admit I’m way better then that whore.” She spat pointing at you.

       Your jaw clenched at Amy’s word. She's was pure evil. You never thought someone could be this cruel and have no heart.

       ”You’re wrong, (Y/N) is way better then you. She's sweet and kind and NEVER used my. You’re just a heartless bitch. I regret leaving (Y/N) for you.” Niall spat at Amy then his looked at you with sorrow in his eyes. “Oh if that’s true then why did you leave her so fast for me?” Amy said with a huge smirk on her face, which made you want to slap it off. “Maybe because I missed (Y/N) so mush and I naïve.” He said, with anger threw this vein. “And, I’m never going to make that mistake again. Now leave I don’t want to see your face ever again. Get out of my life Amy, I never want you around me again.” He said coldly.

       Amy glared at you. “You ruined everything, you bitch.” She spat and you shook your head. “No your personality did, now i suggest you leave before I call security.” You said shakily. “You going to regret this Niall just watch.” Amy yelled before storming out.

       You looked over at Niall who was looking down, with tears streaming down his face. “Niall..” You said softly, moving closer to him. “I-I’m so sorry (Y/N)” He choked out. “I’m so stupid, I should’ve known this was going to happen. Please, please forgive me (Y/N), if you don’t I’ll never forgive myself. God i’m such an idiot.” He cried out and you stopped him by crashing your lips on his. Soon his lips moved in sync with yours. You missed this feeling so much and you still felt that spark, like every other time you kissed him.

       He pulled away and rested his forehead on yours. “What was that for?” He asked and his hands lightly place on your hips. “Because you wouldn’t shut up.” You joked and he smiled. “Also you did seem really sorry.” You said and he nodded frantically. “More sorry then you ever know.” He said and you so hope build into his eyes. You bites you lip. “And, I think it would be good to give you a second chance and start all over again.” You said with a smile and pulls you into a tight hug. “Thank you, thank you so much princess. I’ll much sure you wont regret this one bit.” He said and you smiled. “I love you Ni.” “I love you too princess so so much.”

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