You die and he finds our you had his child after you broke up part 2

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Zayn: I looked down my shaking hands. Eight hours ago I found out I have a daughter. Now I sat in a room full of flowers and teddy bears. Mr. Lewis had given me an option. He said I should try to get her a good foster home. She was now in one, but they didn't keep her. Everything in my life felt so tiny. Everything in the past was pathetic. My heart was beating so fast, that even tears on my cheeks didn't matter. Second later the door opened and Liam walked in. He looked at me sadly, and I realized how awful I must have looked. "Zayn..," he whispered, sitting next to me. He was the only one I called after I found out kid. "I don't know what to do..," I sobbed to his shoulder, feeling like everything around me was collapsing. "It's going to be okay," Liam sushed, trying to calm me down. After all we were in social crevice's waiting room. "She didn't tell me...I can't believe she didn't tell me...And now she's dead..," I couldn't breathe enough to bring sentences together. "I think she was afraid. Just like you are right now," Liam whispered, stroking my back with his hand. I sniffled whipping my tears off. Liam smiled sadly, looking at me, "You know what you're doing Zayn. I know you do." I let out a small teary laugh. He was right. I knew. The door opened and a social worker came in holding a little girls hand. Her eyes were as red as mine, but identical in every single way. Her hair was black and thick, just like my sisters. She had her nose, and I could see in my mind how she'd wiggled it when she would laugh, just like her mom... "Ray," I said out loud, looking at her. My heart was hurting. I didn't expect it. I was surprised and in shock still but somehow I was happy... She looked at me straight to my eyes before I walked across the room and took her on to my arms. He wrapped her arms around me, leaving a sobs to my shirt. She smelled like Y/N. I lost my grip and looked down at her. She was looking me, clearly hesitating what she was about to say. It made me tear apart a bit. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you," I said, muffling a sob. She smiled through her tears, placing her small hand to my cheek. "You were. You didn't know about me, but I knew all about you," she said gently, looking older than she really was. I grabbed her to a hug again, placing a kiss to on top of her head. "I know this is sudden, but do you want to live with me?" I whispered to her hair, looking at Liam who was watching us teary eyed. "Y-yeah," she mumbled, grabbing me closer, afraid of letting go. "I wish mom could come too, like she wanted," she said quietly, breaking the last piece of my heart. "Me too baby girl, me too," I whispered, tears rolling down my cheeks when I held my crying daughter for the very first time. I got that feeling what would probably been there twelve years ago if I'd held her as a baby. Damn, everything changed. I have a daughter.

Liam: "What is taking so long?" I asked nervously, packing back and forth in the chair. Y/BF/N sat next to me, staring at the emptiness, hiccupping occasionally. She had stop crying, what made me even nervous. She looked like she'd broke in to pieces. "It happened last week. It was supposed to be a normal surgery. She had appendicitis. A fucking appendicitis. I-I got James for a while. They didn't know what to do with him. Still don't..," her voice was so silent that I had to make sure I heard everything she said. A appendicitis... "James turns three next month. She was supposed to throw a big party to him. He deserves it. If something happens to him I..," she lost words and started to stare at the table again. The pain in my heart was unbearable. I'm not that guy who walks away when someone needs me. I'm not that guy who turns down someone who I love. Damn, I loved Y/N. I loved her so much. And now I loved James. I never even saw him before but I did. He was my and Y/N's creation. Mostly Y/N's but there had to be something from me. Even if there wouldn't...He was my son. I wouldn't let them take him away from me. A door creek stopped my toughs and I stood up so quickly I saw stars. The social worker looked at me, giving me the papers to sign. I had been his father all the way, but now, his custody was mine too. My hand shook when I looked my signature knowing that it would change everything. The door opened and another social worker carried a small sleepy boy into the room. There was no doubt he was mine. Despite Y/N's eyes he was a spitting image of me. He looked at me sleepy, sucking his thumb and keeping his teddy bear as close as possible. His eyes were teary but I couldn't not notice how tiny he was. His bear was barely smaller than him. My heart started to race when I looked at him. Every doubt I had, left my mind. He was mine. He was my son. Suddenly nothing else mattered. "Hi James, I'm your daddy," I whispered, getting down on his level when social worker put him down. He was hiding back of her legs before his eyes traveled to my shirt. "You like mickey mouse?" a small voice asked, filling the air. It took a second to realize it was my son. "Y-Yeah," I answered shakily, remembering suddenly that I had mickey shirt on, "you like it too?" He nodded, putting his thumb in to his mouth again. Y/BF/N kneeled down next to me, looking at James smiling through her tears. "Remember when I told you that mommy became a star in the sky? Now she wanted that you had mom and dad, so your daddy is going to take you with him to live in his house, okay? I'll visit you all the time, no need to worry. I'll bring your toys and everything," she said, looking at James, who was crying, "Be a big boy for mommy, okay?" He nodded his small head, giving her a hug before she gave him to me. "Daddy?" he asked when I adjusted him into my arms, never feeling as proud as that moment. That word changed everything I felt before. "Does your home have a window where I can say goodnight to mommy before I go to sleep?" My cheeks were burning, that's how badly I was fighting against tears. "Yeah there is. Let's go buddy. Let's go home."

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