He finds out your pregnant

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Zayn: You were thrilled. Zayn and the other guys were finally getting home from their tour. He'd been gone for three months and you'd of course waited to tell him in person. An it's not like it was all great news either. "We need to talk." was the first thing you said free kissing him hello. The car ride home was silent, he kept glancing at you like he was nervous which he had no reason to be. You wait until he has his stuff put away in your room before you sit down next to him on the couch and take his hands. You start the story, heart pounding like crazy. "About a week after you left for the tour, I started to feel sick so I went to stay with (Y/F/N). I started getting sick almost everyday, but you know how I despise the doctor's office. I managed to convince her not to take me. Until one day about one month later," you stop talking there and just look down at your hands because this is the difficult part of the story, the part that you always have trouble getting through. "Are you sick, boo?" he asks, tilting your chin up. "No, just let- just let me finish. My stomach was cramping really, really bad and I was at (y/f/n)'s house all alone. I went to the toilet and -" it was hard to continue the story through the tears now. " There was blood, Zayn. It was everywhere. And no, not like normal. I was in so much pain and all the blood freaked me out. I must've passed out and (Y/F/N) came home a while later like that and rushed me to the hospital. When I finally woke up, the doctor told me the news. That I'd miscarried." "(Y/N)." Zayn whispered pulling you into him. "I'm so sorry that I wasn't here for you. Did you know that you were pregnant?" he asks you. "I told the doctor he was mistaken. I wasn't pregnant. But he pulled out the ultrasound and sure enough there was a little baby. But the. I noticed something; there were two little heartbeats. The doctor told me that I'd only miscarried the one, the little girl. So, Zayn, I'm still pregnant." you smile up at him. "I'm still going to be a daddy!?" you nod and he kisses you all over you face. "Well, I'll love this baby with enough love for what should've been the two of them." he leaned down and kissed the slight bump that was starting to show.

Niall: "You okay, princess?" you hear Niall ask through the bathroom door. The two of you are at Liam and Danielle's flat and Danielle had helped you with this. "(Y/N)? C'mon, babe. Say something." Still you say nothing as you stare down at the third little stick on the counter top. All three are positive, all three might be the end of your relationship with the sweetest boyfriend you've ever had. You guys hadn't had the conversation about kids yet; you didn't know if he even wanted them. "Alright, I'm coming in!" he declared, pushing open the door. You scramble to hide the tests behind your back, but he sees them. "Are those what I think they are, (Y/N)?" you nod. He picks one up and looks at it for a minute, not making any sound. Then his face breaks out in a huge grin. "It's positive! We're gonna be parents! I gotta tell the boys!" he ran out of the room and you heard everybody cheering a minute later. "I love you, princess." Niall whispers in your ear when you go back out to face everyone. You kiss him on the cheek and say, "I love you too, babe."

Liam: You can't believe it. Some stupid tabloid had taken a picture of you and changed it so that you looked like you were pregnant and showing with a title "Liam Payne's Fiance Pregnant?" As soon as you saw it you ran to your bathroom, sobbing. Your phone had barely stopped ringing from the Twitter comments about it. Some fans were calling you stupid names while others were saying that Liam would ask for the baby to be aborted, he'd never actually want a baby with someone as ugly as you. After sitting in the bathroom for nearly three hours just crying, Liam finally got home. "(Y/N)? Where are you? Babe?" You heard him walking around and then he finally headed to the bathroom. "Sweetheart?" the door inched open and he peeked inside. You buried your head in your hands and you felt him sink down next to you. "(Y/N), I saw the story, and I just want you to know that I don't believe them and you shouldn't believe what the people on Twitter are saying. Just stop crying, please." You looked up at him. "That's not why I'm crying, Liam." he just looked at you curiously. "I'm crying because- because it's true, babe. I just didn't get to tell you before they found out." "I'M GONNA BE A DADDY! REALLY?!?!" He shouted, jumping up and down like a child. You laugh and pull him down next to you again. "Yeah, I went to the doctor last week and apparently I'm already three months along." Liam grinned and hugged you close, "Can we name the baby Woody or Jessie?" he laughed.

Louis: Louis and you were laying in bed, cuddling and watching TV. You'd been wondering when a good time to tell him would be. Thinking of the place where most of the best moments in your relationship had occurred, you realized that it was right there. Why not tell him in the bed where so many other great moments had happened. "Lou?" you tilt your head up to look at his face. "Yes, dear?" "I'm pregnant." You just blurted out. He hadn't really been paying attention before, but then his eyes focused away from the TV and onto your face. "Seriously?" "Yeah, Louis, I wouldn't joke about this." "Wow." He was amazed and just sat up, pulling you with him. Even though you were still just as flat-tummied as before, your adorable fiance bent down and started kissing and talking to your tummy. "Hey, there, little baby. This is your dadda, I can't wait to meet you in person." It was so cute, that you couldn't hold in the tears. This was going to be the best thing to ever happen to the two of you.

Harry: "What has got you so worked up?" Harry spit at you. He'd just gotten home from tour a little less than an hour ago and since then the two of you had been arguing. "I mean, really, (Y/N), what are we arguing about?" You didn't care. You were just angry, so you growled your frustration. "I just got home and the first thing we do is fight over something meaningless? What's you're problem!?" He started to leave the room. "It's the mood swings!" You shouted after him. "And you should probably get used to it, Harry, because I'm going to be having them for about nine more months!" He turned around. "What? Are- Are you saying that..." You nodded, now smiling. "You're pregnant, kitten? YES!" He ran over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, spinning the two of you in circles.

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