Your preganant and someone hurts you phisically

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A/N: These are so long....and random....I don't think Holly would do that though...hopefully...Anyway I'm on my room bc my little sis has a boy over and my little brother has his gf over and I'm alone writing 1D preferences, I mean what is life..

You're pregnant and someone hurts you (physically)

Louis: "Hi baby, it's daddy!" Louis cooed to your swollen belly, stroking it lightly with his light fingertips. "Lou," you whispered smiling, looking at his beautiful sparkly eyes, "You need to go onstage." He groaned playfully, still rubbing your stomach. Ever since you got pregnant with your first baby, Louis was spending every free time he had hands and lips on your belly. He pouted, poking your bellybutton with his pointing finger, making faces to the baby even when it couldn't see him. "Louis," you laughed again,"Go! You have us all by yourself after the show, Promise!" He laughed getting up from the couch on his dressingroom before kissing your lips and belly few times, "I love you both. Just wanted you to know." He stood in the doorway, looking at you adoring the moment, before he left you smiling alone. You sat alone for a second before a girl burs in with a huge smile, "Omg. Guys c'mon I found it!" You lifted yourself from the couch before three teenage girls rushed to the room, wearing fan shirts and party makeup, "O. M. G. This is THE Louis Tomlinson's dressingroom! I. Can't. Breath." The girls screamed excited, making you chuckle lightly. They didn't even notice you before you opened your mouth, "You guys really shouldn't be here. The security is really harsh if they get you." The girls looked at you up and down, disguised look on their face. "What do you care, whore?" one of the girls chuckled, coming closer and eyeing you with an evil smirk. You took a step back, trying to cover your belly, not sure what she was going to do. "Please leave," you said between your teeth, making it almost like a growl. The girls laughed, rolling their eyes when the girl pushed you against the wall, making you wince. Her face was so near you that you could count her eyelashes. Your heart beat fast, when you tried to escape. You weren't scared for yourself. You were scared for your baby. "Let go of me," you whimpered, but the girl just held you harder. "Hey!" Louis' angry voice filled the room, "Get your fucking hands off my girlfriend!" The girls turned around to look at your stunning boyfriend, making you catch your breath and stroke your belly, hoping that the baby didn't get scared. "Oh Louis! I love you so so much!" the girl chirped, throwing herself to Louis, but he dodged it off turning his angry face to them, "I don't need you anymore here, thank you for being fucking bullshit fans." The security got the girls out of the room, but Louis didn't care. He was kneeling next to you, hands on your belly, eyes on yours, when silent tears slipped out to his cheeks. "Lou, it's okay, I'm fine," you soothed him but he shook his head, pulling you to his lap. "I'm sorry love. I'm so sorry. I should have been here," he whispered, making you stop him with a kiss. "This is not your fault love," you breathed against his lips," Me and baby Tomlinson are just fine." He smiled, drawing hearts to your belly, "I love you babe, both of you."

Zayn: "This has been the best few days of my life," Zayn muttered to your ear, hugging you gently, kissing your neck with small kisses. "Mine too," you smiled, breathing his scent in and out, wondering how lucky you were. Zayn grinned, thinking about the same thing when he pulled out of the hug, placing his big hand to your still flat belly. His eyes were so full of love and adore that you tear up a bit. "Baby Malik," Zayn said quietly, making you both grin happily before giving you a passionate kiss. "I still can't believe it," you breathed happily, "There's life in me." Zayn shook his head, pulling you to another loose hug, not wanting to hurt the baby. You found out about your tiny miracle the night before and everything changed. You couldn't be any happier. "We have to tell everyone soon," you breathed against his neck, "But not just yet. I want to have you two just on my own for a while." Zayn nodded, long eyelashes giving you a butterfly kiss against your neck. "ZAY- ooh," Louis ran to the room, grinning when he saw you hugging each other, "We need you on the interview man." He smirked to you, running away again. "I guess that means I have to go," Zayn whispered, trailing his fingers across your belly, admiring the life he and you made. "Go on love, I'll follow you in a sec, just using the bathroom," you smiled, pecking his lips before letting him go. After you had use the bathroom, you walked to the room next to the interview, smiling happily, seeing Zayn's happy smile few meters in front of you. He looked up seeing you, giving a blink. After all the time, it still made you blush. "Excuse me miss?" A bodyguard looked at you with a frown, "You can't be back here without a pass." He was a big man, making you look like a kid next to him. "Oh, but I'm Zayn Malik's girlfriend, he said it would be okay," you smiled, trying to concentrate to the interview. "I don't care who gave you a permission, but miss you have to leave," he said angrily, looking at you with cold eyes. "But-..," you started, never finishing the sentence. He had enough. He grabbed your waist harshly, carrying you away, making your stomach bruised under his rock hard touch. "Zayn!" you yelled, making your boyfriend lift his gaze to see you. "Y/N!" he said, getting up instantly, "HEY PUT HER DOWN!" The bodyguard let go of you, making you fall to the floor with a yelp. "SHE'S PREGNANT YOU ASSHOLE," Zayn yelled, pushing him away before kneeling next to you, helping you up. "Meet you at the hospital in ten," he hissed to other boys who were looking at you shocked. The boys followed you to the hospital, standing next to you, all their hands on your belly, when they saw the first glimpse of your healthy baby girl. "I love you," Zayn whispered to your ear, tears on his cheek, when he kissed your cheek over and over again.

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