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It's not like anyone knew but Dan was really into ballet. Every Thursday, after school, he would tell his friends that he was visiting his aunt but really he went to ballet classes. He was so graceful on his feet, dancing like an angel. He had performed in countless shows but his friends had absolutely no idea.

They had a new dancer in their group one week and his name was Philip. He was extremely clumsy and couldn't dance at all but it was very cute to watch him trip over his own feet. Dan would watch him each class, admiring how he never gave up.

"We're going to work in pairs today to come up with a routine! You may choose your pairs but please, no silliness. Be mature." The teacher announced and Dan grinned, walking over to Phil who kind of resembled a lost puppy. Not many people got on with him: they mostly just insulted the way he couldn't get a single move correct (it was like he had two left feet).

"Okay, Philip-" Dan started, contemplating what to put in their routine that Phil could actually do.

"Call me Phil."

"Okay, Phil... what can you do?"

"Nothing." Phil laughed, not seeming even slightly sad about his inability to dance in the class. He found it funny? Dance was actually a serious-

"Nothing at all? What's the point in you being here?" Dan meant it as a joke but it came off quite rude. He did take his dancing quite seriously.

"Well, I actually don't want to be here for the dancing."

"What does that mean? This is a dance class-"

Phil went bright red. "I kind... kind of saw a cute boy go to this class every week and just wanted an excuse to talk to him..."

"You went through all that effort for..." Dan glanced around the room and a blush spread across his face as he realised he was the only boy in the room.

Phil let out a nervous laugh. "I'm too awkward to just talk to him."

"Oh, why don't you ask him if you could meet him outside of the dance class? Then maybe you wouldn't have to come and embarrass yourself every week."

"Maybe I will." They went silent for a moment until Phil spoke up and said, "Hey, Dan?"

Dan nodded, trying to hide the smile that was creeping onto his face. "Do you want to get a coffee later?"

I'm on the way home from my weekend holiday and :(((( I don't want to go home and back to schoollllll

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