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As a thanks for reading, I attached a picture of an adorable shiba-inu puppy. LOOK HOW CUTE IT IS.

"Dan! I have a surprise for you!" Phil yelled and Dan raised his head, confusion filling him as he heard Phil hush something. "Come here!" Dan got up from his browsing position on the sofa and followed Phil's voice to the hallway. Dan squealed as he saw a tiny dog standing at Phil's feet; it was a shiba-inu and it was the cutest thing ever.

"Oh my- Is that- Wow!" Dan exclaimed, completely speechless.

"I got him for us because it's your birthday soon and we've both always wanted a dog." Phil said with a wide smile before bending down to stroke the shiba-inu. The little puppy then yawned and looked up at Dan expectantly.

"What are we going to call him?" Dan questioned, bending down to meet the dog's height. He very slowly brought out his hand and stroked the dog's head, fascinated by how soft and smooth it was.

"Susan," Phil joked, making them both giggle. "No, but, in all seriousness, I'm not too sure."

"Hmm..." Dan looked directly into the dog's eyes. The dog let out a loud bark, his tongue hanging out in anticipation. "How about Light? Like from Death Note?"

"I don't know. He isn't about to murder loads of people is he?" Phil laughed at how the dog looked so innocent and oblivious.


"We already have a Sim named Dil, we can't use the name twice. Phan?"

"No, that's our ship name!"

Phil dug into his pocket and pulled out a small, red ball before rolling it towards the puppy. He put his paws on top of it, his head cocking to the side when it rolled away. He then began to chase it down the hallway.

"What about Eliot? L for short? It's cute and L is a reference to Death Note."

"That's cute but it's not really a dog's name, is it?"

"I don't know.. how about Nuki?"

"Nuki!" Dan called, smiling widely when the little dog bounded towards him with the ball in his mouth.

I'm 110% done with life.

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