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How does this crap have 2k reads >.<

"So," Dan started, crossing his legs and leaning closer to Phil. "How about a game of truth or dare?" Both of the boys had been drinking quite a lot, as had most of the other people at the party. Loud, crappy music was blasting through some cheap speakers but no one cared about the quality of the sound: they were too off of their minds. Couples were dancing together, looking at each other with lust filled expressions. A group of about ten people (including Dan and Phil) were sat in a circle, cans of beer scattered around them.

"Yes! I vote that David starts!" A very slurred voice yelled out and David groaned loudly, taking a long sip of his beer.

"Okay," He turned to face Dan who was sitting to his left. "Truth or dare?"

Around the circle there were chants of 'Dare! Dare! Dare!', making Dan bite his lip.

"Truth." Dan decided, making most people laugh mockingly.

David thought for a moment before slurring, "Who was your worst kiss?"

"Definitely Josie." Dan laughed before hiccupping. Josie was a terrible kisser but it was her first time... but even then she was way too stiff and boring.

Dan turned to Phil. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth." Phil was quick to decide.

"Who is your anime crush?" Dan knew that Phil was in the closet and that his crush would be a guy. In his drunk state he didn't even realise that Phil might have to out himself and it would be his fault.

Phil laughed nervously before mumbling, "Probably Light from Death Note."

Dan grinned widely, patting Phil's back rather harshly. Someone opposite them yelled, "Phil, are you gay or something?"

Phil blushed brightly before nodding. A couple of people clapped, another shouting, "Good on you, mate!"

They got back around to Dan within fifteen minutes after a girl had taken off a shirt, a boy had admitted to cheating on his girlfriend and a couple of people had made out. "Truth or dare?" David asked again and Dan grinned wickedly.

"Dare!" Loads of people began to get excited, shouting suggestions to David who was smirking rather evilly.

"I dare you to make out with Phil!" Dan turned to his best friend with a small, innocent smile. He leaned towards Phil and their lips touched. They pulled back after a few seconds, embarrassed.


"You're a good kisser, you know?" Dan yelled over the blasting music. Phil just went bright red but it went unnoticed by Dan due to how dark the room was.

"So are you!"

"Thanks. Maybe we should kiss again?"

"May-" Phil started but Dan cut him off with another kiss. Things just escalated from there.

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