
106 11 14

Day 3: favourite video
Ngl any of Markiplier makes makes me laugh every time without fail

TW: not sure if you could tell from the title but major character death

"Dan. My best friend. My boyfriend. My everything. I spent every single day of my life with this man. We'd wake up together, eat together, sleep together (not in that way gosh get your mind out of the gutter), film videos together, do everything together." Phil was already tearing up but he wiped the tears away and pushed himself on.

"I am- was in love with him. I helped him through some hard times and he helped me. We were a perfect match, some might call us soulmates. We hated being apart so those times when we went away hurt us a little." Phil looked up and met the eyes of Dan's brother who was crying silent tears. It set Phil off in a round of sobs.

"I remember on Valentine's Day he'd wake me up with breakfast. Then we'd watch anime and we wouldn't even leave the bed until the evening when we'd need to make dinner. I'd make him a nice meal and we'd eat together as we talked about random things. We did this every single year since we got together." Phil swallowed as his voice began to shake a little.

"And the day we met- outside the train station... We ran into each other arms and, as cheesy as it sounds, his arms felt like home. I never felt like I belonged anywhere but then his arms... they felt more like home than anything else in the world. Then he had to leave and go home and my heart shattered." It was hard for people to even tell what Phil was saying because his voice was like an earthquake.

"I miss him already. I can't bear to be without him for much longer? I'm so used to us being joint at the hip, you know? Now he's not even here." Phil then had to walk away: he was crying so much that he couldn't see. He ran out of the room, just wanting to turn back time so he could save his boyfriend.

I am not feeling good today. At all. I can barely speak and I just feel so crap mentally. Bleh. Here's a quote just because I hate spreading negativity (I say that after writing a depressing one shot honestly..) and I do it a lot:

) and I do it a lot:

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