
142 18 8

I just want to stay in bed all day because I have an exam and I'm sad haha :p

Dan heard a loud scream and immediately ran into the kitchen to find Phil clutching his hand, obvious pain in his expression. "What did you do?" Dan frantically asked.

"I didn't realise the tray was still hot and so I picked it up and- Dan it hurts." Phil whimpered before putting his hand under the cold tap. The relief of the coldness on the burn was almost immediate.

"You spoon. I got it out of the oven a couple of minutes ago."

"I didn't know that though.." Phil looked like he was close to tears so Dan took his free hand and squeezed it.

"Do you want to go to the hospital to make sure it's okay?" Phil shook his head.

"It's alright.. I'm sure it isn't that bad."

Most of the redness had already gone down due to the water but Phil was still in quite a bit of pain. "Do you want to watch a movie or something to take your mind off of it."

"Yes, please and Dan..."


"Can we cuddle?"

Dan let out a little laugh before replying, "Of course! Do you even need to ask?"

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