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Dan had just intended to buy some ice. He did not intend to meet a cute person working there, no, he just wanted ice.

He walked straight to the frozen section, picking up a couple of bags of ice before bringing it to the self checkouts. He scanned it and put it in the bagging area. The screen then said to him, "Please place the item in the bagging area." He furrowed his eyebrows before picking up the ice and putting it back down again. The screen repeated its message.

"It's in the mother-" Dan started before he was cut off by a –rather cute- employee.

"Are you alright there, Sir?" Dan went bright red, his rage quickly vanishing and being replaced with nervousness.

"Yeah, perfectly alright. It just says it isn't in the bagging area when it obviously is?"

"Oh, it's the stupid machine. It's not very smart." The employee pressed a button on the screen before typing in a code and the screen shut up.

"Thank you so much," Dan leaned forward and read the employee's nametag. "Phil."

"Why are you buying so much ice? Is it because you're so hot?"

"Was that.. Are you hitting on me?" Dan laughed and Phil went bright red before nodding.

"Kind of.."


"My shift finishes in half an hour if you want to get a coffee or something? We could chat and you could hear a few more of my amazing pick up lines."

"That would be awesome." Dan grinned. He just wanted ice but instead he found a cute employee?

This isn't the best one :p

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