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TW: mentions of insecurities?

Dan tossed and turned in his bed, looking into the dark with tired eyes. It had been around an hour since he had gotten into bed and he hadn't even drifted off for one minute.

He had so many bad thoughts running through his head and he really wanted them to go away. He knew that his mind was speaking lies when it told him how worthless he was, how stupid, how pathetic, how alone, ugly, fat, sad... He was fine. Or he would be if his brain shut up.

He slipped out of bed, deciding that Phil was the antidote to all his problems. He was though: he'd take the poisonous thoughts and flip them around, reminding him he was okay. He tiptoed down the hall before slowly pushing Phil's door open. He slipped into the room before getting into Phil's bed beside him.

After that, it only took him ten minutes to fall asleep.


Phil woke up in the middle of the night to find a tall body beside him. He immediately knew it was Dan and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close.

Random question: do you have a favourite quote? I'm just wondering :p

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