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I didn't get much sleep last night. Does any have an advice on how to distract yourself from thinking so much you constantly make yourself cry

"I'm going to beat you, Danny." Young Phil said with a cocky smile on his face. They were in their favourite hideout, the gigantic forest behind Dan's house. They always raced each other back to Dan's and, as much as Dan hated to admit it, Phil usually won. He was just a lot lighter on his feet and he was taller so he had longer legs. Dan had a disadvantage.

"No, you're not!" Young Dan replied, getting in the position to start running. "In 3," He started as Phil got into his position. "2... Hey!" Phil had started running early, meaning he had a head start which was just unfair for Dan, wasn't it?

Dan, however, zoomed forward, trying his very hardest. He didn't have much of a chance though, considering Phil was almost out of sight. He ended up losing and he was just a little salty about it.

"You cheated," Dan mumbled, putting his hands on his hips as he breathed heavily. Phil just giggled, shrugging at his friend. "That's unfair. I would have won."

"Oh yeah? We can have a rematch tomorrow as always."

"It's on, Philip." Dan held out his hand and shook Phil's. Tomorrow it would be the race to finally decide who was better.

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