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Dan was running down the corridor, his Pokémon backpack heavy on his back. He could barely breathe: he wasn't used to running this far so fast but he had nowhere to hide so he couldn't stop. "Howell!" A loud, evil voice yelled; Dan could just tell he was smirking. "You're going to have to stop sometime!"

Dan was no match for the boy chasing him. The boy was on the football team (and he was one of the best players) and he had amazing strength and stamina. It was true though: he would have to stop sometime... he couldn't run forever.

Dan was beginning to get very tired so he had to find somewhere to hide. The boys toilets were a few metres away so he bolted into them and shut the door behind him. His breathing was heavy as he leant on the door and used all his strength so no one could come in.

"Are you alright?" A kind voice said and Dan looked up. His heart started beating ten times faster as he realised the person had probably seen him run in there and it might have looked a little worrying.

"Yeah, fi-" He started but someone started to knock on the door and shout, making Dan's eyes widen.

"Howell, I know you're in there! You have to come out sometime!"

"Is something wrong?" The boy asked with a raised eyebrow, noticing how Dan was sweating.

"Just something small. I'm kind of being chased by one of the best players on the football team because I accidently pushed his girlfriend."

"Oh, well.. Did you know I'm on the football team?" Dan immediately winced, afraid he would hurt him too. "So I can speak to him? Who is it anyway?"

"Michael. Please can you talk to him?" The boy nodded as Dan hesitantly moved away from the door. He opened it and looked at Michael with a small smile on his face.

"Why are you chasing this poor boy?" The boy laughed.

"He pushed my girlfriend!"

"It was an accident though so what's the point in hurting him?" Michael's hands clenched into fists and he seemed to get angrier by the minute. Who knew one person could have so much pent up fury?

"She could have been hurt."

"But she wasn't. Now go away or I'll tell coach and get you kicked off the team." Michael then grumbled a few profanities before storming away.

"Thank you!" Dan said, pulling the boy – who was still a stranger – into a hug. "You're literally my knight in shining armour."

"How cheesy but adorable. I'm Phil by the way." Phil laughed, a wide grin on his face.

"I'm Dan." Phil took his phone out of his pocket and opened up the contacts.

"What's your number?" Dan looked a little taken aback. "You know so I can give you my number and you can call me if you ever in trouble." Dan quickly recited his number from memory. "If you're ever in trouble, call me and then I will be your knight in shining armour."


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