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Phil dipped his quill into the pot of ink and pressed it against the paper. His eyes were wet with tears as he began to write his letter to his parents.

Dear mother and father,

As you know, I met this man called Daniel. He is the love of my life and I can't even think of his name without my heart speeding up and a smile breaking out onto my face. I am aware of the fact that you do not accept me liking men rather than women and so, after a long, thoughtful process, I have found a solution to this.

I am going to run away today. I have packed my bag full of everything I need. I have been saving money for a while as I knew today would come so please don't worry about me starving. Daniel is running away with me and we have sorted out a place to stay so we will be safe.

It honestly hurts that you do not accept the child you have raised for eighteen years and I really wish I didn't have to leave you both. I have to leave though. In order for me and Daniel to be together.

We're going to get married. Daniel has a friend who can arrange the whole thing in private, even though it isn't exactly legal. We're willing to do anything to be together because we love each other. Why can't anyone see that? I love him just as much as you two love each other; how is that different?

I'd like to say I will miss you but I will only miss the old you. The old you that cared for me and loved me. Not the you that left, hurt and threatened me because of who I am. Please don't worry about me (not that you care enough to actually worry) because I will be happier after running away than I could ever be with you.

Goodbye forever mother and father.


It's my sister's birthday today ^~^

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