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I don't feel gooood

"I spy with my little eye..." Phil began, looking around the plane and out of the window. "Something beginning with 'C'."

Dan bit his lip, leaning over Phil to have a look out the window. "Is it clouds by any chance?" He laughed and Phil pouted.

"Maybe.. Your turn."

"I spy with my little eye something beginning with," Dan mischievously glanced at Phil's laptop that was balanced on his lap. "'L'."

Phil looked around him, unable to come up with any words beginning with 'L'. "I don't know.." He whined. "How come you can come up with really hard- Oh! Is it laptop?" Dan laughed whilst nodding his head.

"This is literally the most boring came on earth. Can we do something else?" They were on their way to Australia and so the flight was very long and they had been playing 'I Spy' for a good half an hour. Dan would much rather have been at home, curled up on the sofa on his laptop. He did find it quite cute that Phil insisted on playing the childish games when he was an adult though.

"Like what? I like playing games, it's fun!"

"We could watch a movie on your laptop? Did you bring any good ones with you?"

Phil nodded. "Yeah, I brought some of the Harry Potter movies."

"Those sound good."

That was how Phil fell asleep with his head on Dan's shoulder as they watched Harry Potter together.

Fun fact but don't hate me: I've never watched/read Harry Potter

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