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Dil and Tabitha were looking through all of Dil's (and his parent's) old belongings and they had found many nostalgic items such as toys, letters and photos. After looking for at least an hour before they found a particularly dusty box. Dil blew on it and dust particles flew into the air, making the pair sneeze a few times. He slowly lifted up the lid, revealing a pile of photos. "Are they your parents?" Tabitha asked, leaning forward to get a closer look at the photo on top.

"I think so. Are these their wedding photos? That means this was before I was even born... wow." Dil whispered, picking up the pile of photos and beginning to sift through them.

Both of his dads looked amazing in their suits and the area also looked beautiful. A couple of the photos showed the scenery and they had pretty decorations and fairy lights everywhere. It looked like an image from a dream. Dil was actually beginning to tear up as he looked at how young and happy both of them seemed.

Tabitha noticed and placed a hand on her boyfriend's knee. "I miss them so much." Dil mumbled as a tear dropped down onto the photo before falling off.

"I know you do but they're together in heaven, yeah? They're probably looking down on us right now."

Dil looked up at the roof of the attic, swallowing. "Yeah." He forced out before his girlfriend pulled him closer. He buried his head into her neck as he sniffed, trying his best to hold back the sobs.

"It's okay, Dilly. They're watching over you."

I want to be in a relationship I'm sad

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