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I have my first as level maths practice exam today yay >.<

"Phil... can you hear that?" Dan whispered, turning over to face his boyfriend whose eyes were struggling to stay open. They could both hear faint footsteps and rustling and they weren't quite sure why.

"I can.. is there someone in our house?" Phil looked at his boyfriend worryingly.

"I think so. We should probably check and then call the police." Neither of the men hurried to move until Phil sighed loudly and got up.

"If I die it's your fault." Phil mumbled and Dan bit his lip as he watched Phil leave the room.

Phil stuck his head round the door to the hallway and his heart began to beat rapidly as he saw a black figure beginning to walk towards him. He just about let out a scream for help because something came in contact with his skull and knocked him out cold.

Dan was shaking terribly as he dialled 999. They picked up and he began to speak in the most hushed voice as possible. "I think we're being robbed. The address is..." Dan told them their address as quickly as possible. "Please come quick, I just heard my boyfriend scream."

Dan nervously sat on his bed for a few minutes until the bedroom door started to creak open slowly. His heart was beating like a drum in his chest and he didn't dare to move from his sitting position. The sound of sirens could clearly be heard so he was going to be safe... hopefully. A black figure entered the room with something in his hand. It was shaped like a book but Dan wasn't quite sure why the robber would hold some literature as he stole things.

The police then followed them into the room, holding guns towards the thief.


"Are you alright?" Dan asked anxiously. Phil was currently sitting in a hospital bed, his head wrapped in bandages.

"Yeah, I'm fine. The doctors were just worried I would get a concussion or something." Phil replied with a sigh. He winced as he spoke, like every word sent a wave of pain to his head.

"I'm so glad you're okay because, as you said, if you died, it would be my fault."

"Yep." Phil smiled softly, despite the pain and Dan kissed his forehead gently.

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