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I present to you the most cliche fanfic ever

Dan was rushing to geography, holding his books in his arms when someone- rather roughly- pushed into him, knocking them both off of their feet. Dan's books went flying and the other boy immediately burst out a string of apologies. He reached out, picking up all of the books and holding out his hand for Dan to take.

Dan reluctantly took the hand, standing up with the stranger's help. "It's okay." He muttered, just wanting to get to class.

"What do you have?" The boy said, attempting to start a conversation whilst he handed Dan his books.


Dan turned to go when the stranger grinned and exclaimed, "Me too! Let's walk together!" Dan rolled his eyes a little but allowed the stranger to follow him down the corridor: they were heading in the same direction after all.

From then on, Phil didn't leave Dan alone, even insisting to sit with him in Geography. They, however, grew on each other.

Weirdly enough, they ended up best friends.

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