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"Hello internet. If you can't tell from the title, this is my coming out video.

I never thought I'd come out to the internet, you know? I thought I'd make a YouTube channel and just keep my private life away from the internet so my family and I can just do our own thing. But what I never realised was that I'd take off? I'd get millions of subscribers and they'd actually care about me as a person? You're all interested in me and my life and I never expected that.

I also never expected you all to be so lovely? Okay, that sounds little mean but you know what I mean, right? I never thought that you'd like me or care about me this much?

My sexuality has always been weird to me. That one night when I got drunk in secondary school at some stupid party and ended up kissing a cute boy actually messed with my mind. I was in so much denial even though I knew I thought he was attractive and adorable. I refused to accept it as I saw this one guy get beaten up for the gender he liked.

It's so wrong, isn't it? No one should get hurt for who they love or what they believe in. Everyone should just be able to like whatever they want to like and be whoever they want to be without fearing judgement from others.

You don't always need to label yourself either. I still, to this day, don't know what I am. I could be gay or pansexual or bisexual but it doesn't matter. I'll get feelings for whoever I do and that's okay. If I end up falling in love with a girl, great. If I end up falling in love with a boy, also great. If I end up falling in love with someone who does conform to the gender binary then awesome.

Another thing that's okay is saying you're one label and then deciding you're not. That's okay. We grow as people, don't we? It's okay not to know. You can identify as gay and then one day someone of the opposite sex can just swoop you off your feet and you may get confused all over again, that's okay. It's okay to explore yourself. Don't ever think that once you've given yourself a label you're stuck with it for life. It's not like that. You can change it at any point on your life. Someone could come along and surprise you.

I think I rambled a little but that's alright! I want to make sure you're all aware that you're okay. Whatever you're going through, it's okay.

If you're parents or friends don't accept you, just wait it out until the day that you can move out and surround yourself with people who do accept you because they are out there! There are people out there who will accept you no matter what.

You're all valid, okay? Whether you're gay, straight, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, transgender, non-binary, whatever... you're valid."

First of all, we're almost at 9k which is awesome! Thank you!

Second, this message! Listen to it!


I'm shook

I was reading an awesome fanfiction then I was like "oh I'll just check the account out to see if they have any other books" and they were following me


Their fanfiction was way better than mine and they follow ME

Oh gosh

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