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"For fuck's sake." Dan grumbled as he lifted his foot up from the ground. A long string of gum came with it so he winced.

"What did- oh." Phil was laughing at him and it wasn't a laughing matter. They had to walk home and Dan's shoe was now sticky and disgusting.

"Don't laugh. It isn't funny." Dan sat down on a nearby wall and pulled his shoe off. "I'm not wearing that."

"Dan, don't be such a drama queen."

"It's disgusting? And my foot is literally just going to stick to the ground." Dan sighed as he dropped the shoe onto the floor.

"I have an idea. Piggy back!"

"No I'd rather walk without- ahh!" Dan let out a yelp as Phil picked him up and put him around his shoulders in a 'piggy back' position. "Put me down!"

"Nope. We're going home."

I had something written out for this before but I really wasn't happy with it. I'm coping with very small amounts of sleep so this may not be that great? I think it's alright though?

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