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(It's lowkey my least favourite holiday because I've been sick on it two years in a row. Last year because I was playing 'beer pong' with Pepsi and downed so much of it I threw up and the year before simply because I ate too much :p)

"Okay, today we will be working in pairs to complete a presentation. I chose the pairs and the best presentation will win a prize." The teacher explained, making the whole class groan in unison. "The pairs are... PJ and Chris, Joe and Caspar, Sean and Mark, Zoe and-" Both Dan and Phil zoned out until they finally heard their names. "Dan and Phil!"

They looked at each other, smiling slightly. They didn't really know each other so they had never talked before and the pair could be worse, couldn't it? They moved to sit next to each other and Phil took out his notebook, ready to jot down any ideas. "So, what do you think we should do it on?" He asked, biting the end of his pen.

"Can we do it on absolutely anything?" Dan questioned, making Phil nod. "How about YouTube? We could talk about all the creators and how educational it is."

"Yeah, that's a cool idea... but is it enough to win?"

Dan let out a laugh at how serious Phil was about winning: the prize was most likely going to be something terrible anyway. "You do realise the prize will probably be a pack of Haribos or some other crap."

"Well yeah but I still want to win!"

"Yeah, I guess it could be enough?"


By the time Dan and Phil had finished the presentation (and been to each other's houses multiple times), they were best friends. They found that they had so much in common from music to the YouTubers they liked and anime they watched. Their presentation was to the best standard and both boys were determined to win – even if they only won Haribos.

They stood up in front of the class, everyone watching them closely like hawks hunting their prey. Dan could feel his knees shaking in anxiety but, with a quick glance at Phil, the anxiety seemed to vanish. The other boy had smiled encouragingly at him which boosted his confidence by quite a lot.

"We will be talking about YouTube," Dan started and, it was at that moment, that he knew he could do it. "YouTube is a platform where you can share videos of all different topics from music to movies to vlogs. You can find almost anything on there and the videos have different topics: some entertain, some inform, some persuade. It is popular among most age groups due to the wide variety of things found there..."

Phil rounded up their speech with some information about how you could make money using the site and he talked about some YouTubers too. The whole class erupted into an applause, making both boys smile.


"All the presentations were of such a high standard and," The teacher glanced at Dan and Phil momentarily with a knowing look on her face. "I can see that, by choosing your pairs, I have helped some of you make new friends. I think the winners of today are... drum roll please," Half the class snickered and started to drum their hands on the table. "Dan and Phil!" Both of the boys' faces lit up and they high-fived before walking to the front of the classroom. They burst into a fit of laughter as the teacher handed them a packet of Haribos each.

What are your New Year's resolutions?

I have loads including:
Make more friends
Put myself first sometimes
Be myself
Survive my exams

There are more but you know >.<

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