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Young Dan and Phil were exploring a forest near where they lived when they found a weird railroad on the ground. Moss and weeds were covering it and it was broken in many places so it obviously wasn't in use. "Can we follow it?" Phil questioned but he didn't wait for an answer; he just began to walk along the road curiously.

"Okay." Dan replied, following his friend. He was the younger of the two (he was 8 and Phil was 12) so his parents had made it a rule that Phil was in charge and Dan had to do everything he said. It was a bit unfair at times but Phil had protected Dan a few times and saved him from all sorts of trouble.

"Look!" Phil suddenly announced after following the track for about ten minutes. They had found an abandoned building which could have been a train station at one point.

"Can we go inside?" Dan asked, bouncing up and down with excitement.

"I don't know, Danny. It could be dangerous."

"Please! Please!" Dan begged.

"Fine." Phil decided but he walked ahead so he could lead Dan in. They tried to pull on the door but it wouldn't budge at all and all the windows were boarded and shut. There was absolutely no way of getting in. Dan pouted, disappointed. "It's alright, Danny. The roof is probably really unstable anyway and it could have fallen on us and killed us or something." Dan frowned at that but it made him feel a little better about not getting to explore the building. "This was such an adventure, wasn't it?" Dan nodded slowly before reaching out and taking Phil's hand.

Phil leaned closer to Dan and whispered, "Maybe we can come back another day and really look for a place to enter the building. We could try and knock the door down!"

Dan smiled widely at that: he loved Phil, he always made him feel so much better.

I have a maths test today that I haven't revised for hahaha.. I'm going to fail

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