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TW: Anxiety

Dan and Phil were returning from Asia (specifically their trip to Japan) and they were going through the airport. It was always Dan's least favourite part of their trips. Once he was on the plane, he was fine; it was just all the crowds.

He was better than he used to be though. He used to have panic attacks and have to stand in the toilets with Phil for hours until he calmed down and could face all the people. He used to throw up and cry, just wanting to go home. But it was all worth it once they made it to the other place.

They were queuing up to go through the UK border, people all around them. Dan was beginning to feel claustrophobic as everyone seemed to be touching him. He was sweating- was it hot? Or was it just him? He didn't know. He couldn't breathe- was the oxygen supply low or..?

"Dan?" He heard someone say but their voice was muffled and unclear. Dan ignored it, just frantically looking around for somewhere to escape the queue. He needed to get out. He was trapped and he couldn't move. He was going to suffocate if he didn't get outside but he was frozen still? Why was he frozen? The room was spinning and he was begging to get dizzy.

"Dan!" The person repeated, pulling him into a hug. "Breathe for me, okay? In... Out... In... Out... You're okay. We'll be out of this line soon, we're almost at the front. Just calm down, okay? You'll be okay." The voice was very soothing and it was beginning to get clearer to Dan. It was Phil! His best friend; he'd keep him safe.

He was okay. He closed his eyes and focused on his breaths, inhaling and exhaling in time with his best friend. It took him a while but he soon calmed down.

He was alright. He was safe. As long as he had Phil beside him.

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