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Day 2: My favourite girl YouTuber. Dodie of course!

I feel so loved in school (by that I mean I don't fit in with my 'friends' and I'm 99.9% sure they wouldn't notice if I disappeared) haha... at least I feel loved here, on the internet :p

"Phil, look at me! I'm a monkey!" Young Dan yelled, sitting down on a branch high up in the tree. Phil was nervously watching his every move, aware that climbing trees was dangerous and they could get hurt. "Come up! There's such a pretty view, perfect for one of your photos!"

Phil fiddled with the strap of his camera, glancing up at Dan and then at the bottom of the tree. "I don't know.. it's high.." He mumbled but Dan still (somehow) managed to hear it.

"Don't be a wimp!" Phil swallowed, deciding the tree wasn't that high. He could do it and he'd be okay, right? He clasped his hands on a low branch, pulling himself up a little bit. He was shaking but he kept his grip tight on each branch.

Once at the top, Phil glanced down but refused to let go of the branch. "You made it! Take a photo!" Dan said with a wide smile, watching as Phil slowly took one hand off of the branch and picked up his camera. He then took the other hand off of the branch and snapped a photo before he began to wobble.

Phil let out a loud scream as he fell, flailing around in attempts to grab a branch. He couldn't so he collapsed onto the ground. "Phil!" Dan yelled, concern in his eyes. When Phil didn't respond, Dan panicked and climbed down as quickly as possible. "Phil?" Tears were filling his eyes as his friend wasn't moving and it was all his fault. With shaky hands Dan reached into his pocket and dialled 999.


"Mum, it was my fault!" Dan cried into his mum's chest as Phil was assessed. Since he had called the ambulance, he hadn't stopped sobbing.

"He'll be okay, darling.." His Mum replied, ruffling his son's hair.

"I shouldn't have told him to climb the-" Dan was cut off as Phil's name was said and Dan, his family and Phil's family rushed into the room to find Phil. He was very pale and had a bandage on his head and a cast on his leg. He offered the group a timid smile. "I'm so glad you're okay!" Dan said, still crying. "I'm sorry, this is all my fault.."

"It's okay." Phil replied with a smile.

"But it's not! If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have climbed the tree at all and-"

"It's okay." Phil said louder. Dan nodded, still very ashamed with himself but he could tell Phil genuinely accepted the apology. "I mean, everyone will be able to sign my cast! It's pretty cool actually!"

"You think?" Dan's voice was soft as he was trying to convince himself it was actually okay.

"Yeah! And I'll have crutches!"

Dan managed a little smile. Maybe it wasn't so bad.

Phil's camera did break though so Dan used all of the pocket money he had saved up to buy him a new one. He was saving up for a new bike but he decided Phil was more important.

I feel sick and I'm losing my voice bleh :/

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