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Who can't wait to go to school? *crickets* Not me

Phil was twenty years old and he had a school girl crush. It was on the man at the coffee shop opposite Phil's apartment. He made sure to get a coffee pretty much every day when he knew Dan was working. He'd make sure to greet him every time and his heart would beat rapidly in his chest as he did it.

A cute, pink blush would spread across his cheeks whenever Dan replied with his adorable grin.

"Hello," Phil said, trying his best to hide his smile. "Can I have-"

"I know your order by now," Dan laughed. "You come here every day! It's as if you like someone here..." Phil froze, his eyes widening for a second until Dan finished his sentence. "Or maybe you just love coffee a lot."

Phil forced a laugh and Dan immediately noticed something was wrong. "What? Do you like someone here? Is is Lisa because all the boys want her but she's quite stubborn-"

"No. Dan, firstly, I'm gay." Phil said, making Dan bite his lip, immediately letting out lots of apologies. "Second, I don't like anyone." Phil couldn't hide his blush and Dan was quick to notice.

"You do, you blushed!" Phil brought a hand up to his face, covering his cheeks.

"I don't."

"Who is it? Is it PJ? You know he's bi, maybe I could set you guys up-"


"Chris? I think he likes Peej though which could be a problem-"


"But there's no one left-" Dan's eyes widened as recognition hit him. "Oh. Is it me?"

Phil bit his lip, refusing to meet Dan's eyes.

"It is? Oh my gosh. I'm taking a break so we can talk. Give me a second."

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