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Thank you so much for 3k. Honestly, the fact that you're reading this makes me feel so much better about my life. I'm going through a really hard time right now but seeing that people care about the crap I write makes me feel better. It's past midnight, I've spent an hour crying and I go back to school tomorrow but, for some reason, I feel okay. Because I'm not alone: I have you and my internet friend. I hope you know that none of you are alone either and I am always going to be here for every single one of you<3

Onto the storyyy

Dan swore to himself as he went through all of his cupboards to find nothing but emptiness. He wanted to make a stir fry for dinner and for that he needed oil but he didn't have any. After a long groan he decided to walk down to the nearest Tesco to buy some: he was determined to have the stir fry he had been looking forward to all day.

He grabbed his wallet, shoved it in his pocket and began to walk down the street.

It took him some time but he eventually found the oil in the shop and he grinned once he realised he was about to take the last one. He reached up to grab it but, instead of feeling the plastic of the bottle, he felt someone's hand. He turned to his right with wide eyes to see the person who he was now practically holding hands with. "Please," Dan started, quite frustrated. "I need the oil because I'm about to make dinner and I have run out."

"Well that's a coincidence," The stranger responded, raising an eyebrow. "Because I'm in exactly the same situation and I've had a rough day."

"My day has been pretty crap too really."

They both just stopped talking until Dan realised his hand was still on top of the stranger's. He blushed slightly, pulling back and muttering an apology.

"Only one of us can have it," The stranger said and Dan sighed.

"I've been looking forward to having stir fry all day."

"What if we just eat together? I don't care what I have but I still need oil for it."

"Eat together?"

"Yeah. I'll have stir fry with you if you want the oil."

"Yeah, that's okay? My flat is an absolute tip though, I swear it's not always like that." (It was always like that but Dan just wanted to impress the stranger.)

"That's alright: mine is too. I'm Phil by the way."

"Dan." Dan nodded before picking up the oil and smiling to himself.

The day ended pretty great really: he got his stir fry and he made a new friend.


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