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"Phil, you've been working so hard all week on the video. You must be done by now!" Dan whined slightly, watching as his boyfriend gave a computer more attention than him.

"Wait... wait..." Phil mumbled, clicking a few times before letting out a large breath of air. "Now I'm done!"

"Finally!" Dan dragged out the 'i' in finally, holding out his hand and pulling Phil up. "I have something planned..."

Phil cocked his head, wondering what Dan was talking about.

"You've been working so hard and I think you need a treat so.." Dan handed Phil a sealed envelope and watched eagerly as he tore it open. Inside were two plane tickets to Spain and, once Phil saw them, he gasped and pulled his boyfriend into a hug. "We're going on holiday together!"

"Thank you so much, Dan!" Phil practically squealed.

"We need to go pack our bags but first,"

"First?" Phil was even more confused than before until Dan got down on one knee. He went bright red, clasping a large hand over his mouth as he resisted the urge to squeal very loudly.

"Philip Michael Lester, we have been together 8 years now and we have been through so much. You have been there for me through my worst times and you always look after me when I'm sick, sad or just extremely lazy. You're the first person I think about when I wake up and the last person I think about before I sleep. You make me laugh a lot and you've helped me improve my confidence with my body. Thank you for that. What I'm trying to say is: I love you so much and.. will you marry me?"

Phil was actually jumping up and down on the spot, a huge grin on his face. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

I don't like this one buy hey hey I'll blame the prompt

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