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"What's this?" Phil muttered, bending down and picking up the weird item. It was a little statue with a weird, painted on facial expression. "It's kind of cute?"

"That is not cute." Dan grumbled, sending the statue a look of disgust. "Even you're cuter."

"I'll take that as a compliment..."

"We should start heading back.. it's a long walk."

"I know.. I just wish we could transport there right now. My legs hurt." Both Dan and Phil then felt a tingling sensation in their feet before it spread upwards to their heads. "What the-" Phil started but he couldn't finish because the world went dark.

Phil tore his eyes open and he didn't see the dirty mud path they were standing on, instead he saw their hotel room.

"What the actual fuck?" Dan said, his eyes wide as he pinched his arm. "I'm dreaming. That didn't happen. We didn't just transport here from that path. Wake up, Dan. Wake up." He was mumbling to himself and pacing around the room, constantly pinching his arm.

Phil was in an equal amount of disbelief as Dan but he found himself murmuring, "I wish you'd stop doing that. You're going to bruise yourself." Dan then lost control of his arm and it went limp at his side. He no longer had the urge to pinch himself.

"It's you. Stop."

"What is?"

"I don't know! The wishes!"

"I'm not- I'm just as confused as you!"

"Wish for something."

"Like what?"

"I don't know! What do you want?"

"Okay.. uh.. I wish for a packet of marshmallows?" Phil said in confusion, not expecting anything to happen. But then, out of nowhere, a packet of marshmallows appeared in front of Phil. His eyes wide, he placed the statue on the sofa and reached for the marshmallows that were floating in the air.

"Marshmallows, seriously?" Dan let out a short, nervous laugh. He couldn't have got a cuter roommate but that wasn't what was running through his mind at that moment.

"Yeah.. it must be me?" Phil tore open the packet and grabbed a single marshmallow.

"Don't! Do you really trust marshmallows that appeared out of nowhere?"

Phil just shrugged, shoving the marshmallow into his mouth. "I wish I had a cup of coffee."

Nothing. No coffee.

"Wait, what?" Dan exclaimed as Phil pouted. "I thought- fuck! This is confusing!" Dan put his hands in his hair, tugging it harshly as he tried to rationalise the situation in his head.

Then, within seconds, they both had the same thought, their heads turning to look at the ancient statue in unison. Phil picked it back up and loudly said, "I wish for a cup of coffee." Sure enough, coffee appeared in front of him.

Phil chucked the statue to Dan. "You try?"

"Okay.. I wish for some hot chocolate?" Dan grinned as the drink appeared and he reached out to grab it. "This is awesome!"

"But creepy."



A few days passed and they had wished for so many things, ranging from food to a pet dog (yes they now had a rogue shiba-inu running around their hotel room). It was pretty cool but both knew it couldn't go on much longer.

They were leaving in around ten minutes and they had decided to wish the statue away before they left for home. "One more wish each. You first." Dan mumbled.

Phil nodded, closing his eyes as tightly as possible and mumbling, "I wish that, if Dan loved me, he'd tell me." Dan's head then jerked up and his mouth started move without the consent of his head.

"Phil, I love you." He said before clasping his hands over his mouth in shock. "Tell me I didn't just admit that."

"You did.. is it true?" Phil's voice was so quiet: he was in disbelief. There was absolutely no way the man he'd been swooning over for years loved him back.

"Maybe.." Dan sounded almost.. ashamed?

"Oh my gosh." Phil then took a deep breath and kissed Dan gently. They pulled back, both their eyes equally wide. "I love you too."

Phil tossed Dan the statue, not allowing him to respond to Phil's confession. Dan exhaled deeply, whispering, "I wish for both me and Phil to be happy forever."

They grinned as they linked hands, both touching the statue. They took one last glance at each other before saying "I wish for this statue to disappear forever."

10/10 for effort and creativity. -1/10 for execution.

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