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Dan's palms were sweaty as he stared out of the train window. He was just passing through the country side so the only views were endless fields, trees and the occasional animal. He was sitting alone in his carriage so no one could tell him off for tapping the table and fidgeting. He was so restless due to the excitement running through his body: today was the day that he met his best friend, Phil.

The train pulled to a stop and he couldn't stop shaking. He was trying to type out a message but his fingers wouldn't cooperate and it ended up in gibberish so he didn't even bother sending it. He picked up his suitcase and dragged it behind him. It was a surprise that he could carry the weight: his whole body felt like jelly.

"Dan!" A loud, familiar voice yelled as Dan walked out the train door. He turned to his left to see Phil was waving frantically and grinning. Dan couldn't hide the wide smile that broke out onto his face as he started to run towards his friend. They hugged each other tightly, tears stinging both of their eyes.

"This doesn't feel real.. I feel like I'm dreaming..." Dan mumbled as they pulled back from the hug.

"Me too. Let's walk back to mine; I live like a five minute walk away." Phil said with a soft smile. He slipped his hand into Dan's and they started to walk to his house. It was going to be the best week of both of their lives.

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