
143 19 7

I want to make this account more positive so no more complaining when I'm sad!


"Look!" Phil said with a grin on his face. He had his face pressed up against the glass of the tank. A few bearded dragons were sitting in it, just minding their own business. "It's so cute!"

"Phil, that isn't cute. That's... kind of disgusting." Dan muttered, not even looking at the reptiles properly.

"They're going to be feeding them soon! Are you not excited?"

"Don't they feed them like.. crickets or something?"

"Yes! How cool is that?" Phil was like a little kid and Dan was the moody teenager who never wanted to do anything. Dan was just watching Phil, his hands buried in the pockets of his skinny jeans as he tapped his foot up and down in boredom.

"So cool." He muttered sarcastically.

The person who worked there suddenly walked out and Dan could have sworn he saw Phil jump up and down in excitement. Surely enough, there were insects inside a plastic container. The worker opened up the tank and put down the little pot of insects. The bearded dragons immediately surrounded it and started to eat their meal.

Dan was disgusted to say the least; he couldn't even look at them whilst Phil was intrigued. "They're so cute!" He said to the worker before getting into a whole conversation about reptiles. Dan just shook his head when Phil finally shut up and they moved onto the next animal. His boyfriend was secretly the cutest person in the world, even if they thought different things were interesting.


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