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Dan was having a bad day. He worked as a waiter in a very posh restaurant and all the customers were quite snobby. They'd push Dan around with stupid, petty instructions and it was just really annoying (and it kind of upset him). "Table two want more salt and vinegar!" Another waiter called and Dan picked up the salt and vinegar (but not without a loud huff in annoyance).

He brought the salt and vinegar over to the table but, he tripped over the customer's bag. He fell, the salt and vinegar flying into the air. Dan couldn't help but swear under his breath as he hit his head on the table. The customer was just laughing at him, even though he was clutching his head in quite a lot of pain.

"I'm sorry." Dan mumbled. "I'll go get more salt?"
"No, no, no. Don't worry about it. I'll live. Are you okay though?" The man said and Dan nodded, ignoring how his head was pounding. "You hit your head pretty hard."

"I'm fine.."

"Are you sure?" Dan shut his eyes and nodded before walking back to the counter.

He tried his best not to do too much after that. He just stayed at the bar and served drinks as that didn't involve much noise or walking about. About half an hour after the incident, the same man showed up at the bar. "Can I get two cokes, please?" He asked in a very kind (and attractive) voice.

"Two?" Dan questioned, not seeing anyone standing with him and there was no one sitting at the table with him.

"Yeah, one for me, one for you. Surely you can take some time off. Plus, you look like you need to sit down and rest for a bit."

"Coming right up."


They talked for about an hour until Dan's manager told him his break was over. Dan was rather disappointed but he had got the man's (whose name he now knew was Phil) number so it was okay.

And it all started with some salt and vinegar.

Ha this is weird but Dan is me (apart from the fact that no one asks me out ._.)

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