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It's my birthdayyyy!!!
Also thank you so much for 5k! I love everyone who reads this<3

"Phil?" Dan asked, his voice quite shaky. "Do you think I'm getting chubby?" He looked down at his stomach, frowning to himself.

"Of course not? You're a perfect weight." Phil replied, leaning down to kiss Dan's stomach. Dan blushed slightly but it didn't erase how insecure and sad he was feeling.

"Do you think I'm ugly? Or lazy? Because people keep saying I am all these things and it's really getting to me. It hurts, Phil. Maybe I need to start eating better." Dan's eyes were tearing up until he burst into tears, just wanting a hug.

Phil wrapped his arms around him protectively, whispering sweet things such as, "You're absolutely beautiful." He rubbed his boyfriend's back, hopefully indirectly telling him that he was there for him and all his words were true. Dan was still crying but he didn't say another word, scared it would make the situation worse. "Hey, Dan?"

"Yes?" Dan responded in a very quiet, fragile voice.

"I read on the internet that it's really funny if you try and say 'bubbles' in an angry voice."

"Is it?" Dan didn't really understand where Phil was going so he was a little confused.

"Bubbles!" Phil said in his angriest voice possible. It did sound kind of ridiculous so it made Dan crack a smile. "Bubbles!" He repeated until Dan let out a shaky laugh and joined in.

"Bubbles." Dan's voice wasn't as strong but it was there and it definitely seemed a little bit happier. He was smiling more and giggling every time Phil spoke.

"If you're ever sad you now know you can say 'bubbles' in an angry voice to cheer yourself up!"

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