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Just saying I know nothing about wars so if this doesn't make sense sssshhhh

People were everywhere. They all had guns and weapons in their hands, shooting frantically at the other army. There were two sides with a land of nothing in between. People were shooting across the distance which was named "No Mans' Land". It was dangerous whichever side you were fighting for.

Daniel was an English soldier. Standing at over 6ft tall and with amazing weaponry skills, he was a great soldier. He was quite reserved but he always stuck to the plans he was given, usually completing them with no hesitation.

It was 6am when all the English soldiers were screaming and yelling for everyone to wake up. Their base was being attacked by the other side and they needed to act quickly. Gun fires filled the air as they all rushed to their feet, grabbing their guns and getting ready to fight. Dan ran to the top of the base, balancing his gun on his shoulder and beginning to shoot at the soldiers approaching. "Daniel, go out front and make sure they don't get into the base." Dan was commanded and, with a quick nod of his head, he ran into the battlefield and shot at the other army.

After a few minutes of constant shooting, Dan had to reload. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the bullets when he felt an immense pain in his chest. He let out a loud scream, immediately falling to the floor, the bullets falling with him. He was bleeding horribly and the pain he felt was indescribable. His eyelids were getting heavy and he felt like he had no power over his limbs.

Someone ran over to him, bending down to look him in the eye. It was an enemy. "You okay?" He asked as Dan's vision was beginning to blur. Dan couldn't even muster a response. "I'm so sorry this happened to you... I didn't mean-"

The last thing Dan saw before he slipped away were the apologetic eyes of another soldier.

And, despite the fact that there were hundreds of bodies scattering the field, both sides, the war carried on like nothing happened. No one, other than the brave soldier from the opposing side, spared a thought for those families that had just lost someone they loved. It wasn't about the people killed, it was about the victory.

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