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Dan slipped his hand into Phil's as they walked along the muddy path. They had left the actual pavement and were now walking on a dirt track so they could get a closer look at the lake.

It was so muddy that, if they turned around, their feet would have left indents in the ground. It was a cold winter's day and they were wrapped in their warm coats, hats, gloves and scarves. It was lucky it wasn't raining.

The lake was so pretty. Flowers laid round the edge of it and trees towered high in the sky. You rarely ever saw another soul there and so it was perfect for Dan and Phil as they could be all love-y in secret.

However, today there happened to be another person on their walk. They passed them when they were just about at the half way point. Dan immediately gasped as they saw them and another four-legged friend trotting happily behind them. It was a shiba-inu and, if you knew Dan, he loved shiba-inus! "Can I stroke it?" He asked, looking down at the dog in awe. Its little paws were all wet and muddy so it had obviously gone for a little paddle in the lake- the idea was just so adorable to Dan.

"Of course! He's very friendly!" The owner said with a smile, watching as Dan stroked the dog's head.

"What's his name? He's such a cutie!" Phil was just looking at Dan with a small smile on his face, finding Dan the most adorable person ever.

"Seb, don't ask, my daughter named him."

"Aw! How adorable!"

Dan was so transfixed in the dog that he didn't hear Phil say, "I think it's time for us to go, right Dan?" The silence made both him and the owner of the dog laugh. "Dan." He repeated before chuckling, shaking his head and taking Dan's hand back into his own. "Thank you for letting him say hello to your dog. He loves shiba-inus."

"It's alright! It's not very often I find a fellow shiba-inu lover!"


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