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Wattpad isn't working on my phone :/ it crashes every time I open it which is really annoying but it's okay (why do you need to know this, you ask? I don't actually know)

Dan and Phil were walking around town together when they noticed a lifeless creature laying on the floor. Everyone was just walking past it, not even noticing he fact that it was there. They, however, refused to ignore it and approached the animal.

It was a dog. A grey little schnauzer that looked no older than a puppy. "They're in pain..." Phil whispered, not daring to move any closer to the injured dog.

Dan reached forward to look at the dog's collar. "Get out your phone and dial this number." Phil reached into his pocket and pulled out his iPhone, opening up the phone up. "07..."

Phil clicked ring and put the phone on loudspeaker. It rang five or six times before a woman picked up, sounding fairly concerned. "Hello, who is this?" She said.

"We're in the town centre and we seemed to have found your puppy? It's a grey schnauzer and it looks injured."

"Oh my- where abouts are you?"

"We're outside-" Phil started.

Dan glanced up at the shop they were in front of. "Primark." He finished.

"I'm on my way."


"Thank you so much for calling. We've been worried sick because we couldn't find him anywhere. I'll take him straight to the vet." The woman mumbled, speaking very quickly so she could hurry and get the dog to the vet.

"It's no problem. I hope he's okay." Dan replied, concern in his voice.

"Me too..."


Dan and Phil were sitting on the sofa at home when Phil's phone started to ring loudly from inside his coat pocket. He ran to it, pulling it out and accepting the call. "Hi, it's me? The woman from earlier with the dog?" A female voice said and Phil had recognised it straight away.

"Ah, yeah! How is he?"

"He's okay. He was just very hungry and thirsty, that's all."

"That's really good to here. Thank you for keeping us informed!"

"You don't need to thank me! I should be thanking you for helping me find my dog!"

This makes me sad. Why'd you write this me? It reminds me of my dog I lost in December.. rip... but it's okay. Everything is okay.

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