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Phil was making a glass of water just before bed when Dan thought it was a good idea to make him jump. The glass was filled almost to the top and Phil had just turned off the tap when... Dan grabbed both of his shoulders, making Phil screech in surprise. The glass went flying into the air and Dan went to catch it but failed completely. It dropped to the floor and smashed into a thousand shards of glass.

"You idiot!" Phil said but it didn't sound rude, it sounded more relieved. He had bare feet so he didn't dare move, he just stayed glued to the spot.

"I'm sorry," Dan laughed. "I thought it would be funny! I didn't realise you were making a drink." Dan's socks were now soaking, having taken most of the water.

"You have to clean it up." Phil simply replied.


After it was cleaned up, Phil started to laugh randomly to himself. Now that there was no danger, he realised just how funny it was. "Dan, how did you not realise I was making a drink? I was standing at the sink!"

"I know but.. I didn't think properly. Maybe, if you weren't so clumsy it might have worked?"

"Yeah.. definitely." Phil shook his head, turning to face Dan who was smiling widely to himself. He leant forward and kissed him.

I'm watching A Monster Calls with my family and it's so sad :( (the last time I saw it I was fighting tears in the cinema yayyyy)

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